Jack M. Kaplan

Patterns of Entrepreneurship

This book is designed to share real entrepreneurial business experience. Included will be both long and short cases and a corresponding website. The goad is to provide a more complete understanding of the textual material and make the book as...

John Adams

Complete Guide to Video

Explains video technology systems in easy-to-understand language and outlines the common components of modern audio/video equipment. Provides details and features of the newest gadgets and will help with shopping choices by providing answers that...

Karl S. Zimmerer, Kenneth R. Young

Nature's Geography: New Lessons for Conservation in Developing Countries

"The best hope for protecting and sustaining the earth rests in understanding the way it works, particularly the ways in which human activities shape the natural world. The geographers reporting here bring a special set of skills to their work. They...

George S Faigen, Boris Fridman, Arielle Emmett

Wireless Data for the Enterprise

Everything you should know about "going wireless" A valuable reality check for the many claims about wireless, Wireless Data For The Enterprise sorts out myth from fact, truth from exaggeration. This guide by George Faigen, Boris...

Jeffrey S. Nielsen

The Myth of Leadership: Creating Leaderless Organizations

When we join an organization, we're immediately slotted into a hierarchy based on a rank-based system of "leaders" and "followers." We then make false assumptions about our place in these hierarchies that divide our efforts, limit our growth...

Paul T. McCabe

Contemporary Ergonomics 2002

The broad and developing scope of ergonomics, the application of scientific knowledge to improve people's interaction with products, systems and evironments, has been illustrated over the past sixteen years by the books, which make up Contemporary...

Chris Minnick, Margaret Minnick

CIW E-Commerce Designer Certification Bible

This is the very first work on the Certified Internet Webmaster E-Commerce exam, in our dependable Certification Bible format, to appeal to motivated test-takers as well as those responsible for implementing e-commerce on the job. CIW...

G. A. King, Graham King

Understanding and Designing Computer Networks

Understanding and Designing Computer Networks considers the ubiquitous nature of data networks, with particular reference to internetworking and the efficient management of all aspects of networked integrated data systems. In addition it looks at...

Mark Linsenbardt, Shane Stigler

Windows® 2000 Administrator's Handbook

Streamlined for the in-the-trenches use and presented in a small, handy trim size, this shop manual for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting Windows 2000 is an indispensable aid for network administrators. "Just in time" instructions provide...

Loren L. Coleman

A Call to Arms (MechWarrior: Dark Age #2)

MechWarrior-aspirant Raul Ortega finds himself called to battle when warring factions-who have seceded from the Republic-wage war on his home world to obtain one of the few working interstellar communication nets....

Валентин Холмогоров

Занимательный самоучитель работы на ПК. Самоучитель

Если кто-либо скажет вам, что изучение компьютерной техники, - чрезвычайно сложная и трудновыполнимая задача, - не верьте. Практика показывает, что освоить базовые навыки работы с персональным компьютером под силу любому, кто хочет учиться и...

<<<  В. А. Светлицкий. Статистическая механика и теория надежности             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

ЖЖ Cергей Минаев. Духless. Повесть о ненастоящем человеке Мой мир Стефания Тернбулл, Эмма Хельбраф. Детский атлас мира Л. М. Куликов. Основы социологии и политологии Развивайка. Репетитор. Веселый английский. Английский язык, несомненно, Louis Barajas. The Latino Journey to Financial Андрей Лебедев. Казачка. Книга 4. Любовь Л. И. Белина. Business English / Деловой английский. Словарь-справочник
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