Mervyn J. King

Bank & Brokerage Back Office Procedures and Settlements

The increased advances in information technology, financial innovation, deregulation, and intensified competition has resulted in the vast growth in volume and value of financial transactions across the world's payments and settlement systems. This,...

Douglas Lambert, James R Stock, Lisa M. Ellram

Fundamentals of Logistics

In an era when most managers--including those in the logistics arena--are being urged to think of themselves as "marketers," this new book offers a special opportunity. Written by high-profile authors, Fundamentals of Logistics Management brings a...

John Beckford


The second edition of this best-selling textbook provides a complete knowledge platform for all those studying the development of the theory and practice of quality....

Hwei P. Hsu

Schaum's Outline of Theory and Problems of Analog and Digital Communications

This study guide acts as an excellent tutor in this subject. It offers clear explanations of the mathematics behind signal and linear system analysis, fully covering communications theory, and provides an introduction to information theory and...

Dan Birlew

Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide

BradyGames Final Fantasy X Official Strategy Guide contains a comprehensive walkthrough with detailed strategy to steer you in the right direction, complete with unbeatable strategy, and without plot spoilers! The unstoppable boss...

Mohamed G. Gouda

Elements of Network Protocol Design

While we are all becoming familiar with the Internet, which uses the Transfer Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), more and more additions and changes emerge every year, including protocols that support multimedia, encryption, and other...

Icon Health Publications

Reye's Syndrome: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Peter Bargh

Photoshop CS A-Z : The essential visual reference guide

Bestselling, easy reference text to Photoshop tools, menus and features. A must-have purchase for all Photoshop users: students, professionals and amateurs, giving an easily accessible visual guide to all those vital Photoshop terms. Using the same...

Doug Lea

Concurrent Programming in Java(TM): Design Principles and Pattern

In this second edition, you will find thoroughly updated coverage of the Java(tm) 2 platform and new or expanded coverage of: - Memory model; - Cancellation; - Portable parallel programming; - Utility classes for concurrency...

Dale Michalk, Rob Cameron

Building ASP.NET Server Controls

This tutorial and reference will benefit you, the dedicated ASP.NET developer. If you understand the gains of object-oriented development, and want to apply those principles to ASP.NET and server control development, then this book will be your...

О. А. Шелопухо

Прописи. Учись, малыш! Для детей 3-4 лет

Вы, конечно, знаете, что развитие памяти, мышления, воображения и речи ребенка тесно взаимосвязано с мелкой моторикой. Развивая пальчики малыша, вы тем самым стимулируете его интеллектуальный рост. Что можно делать, чтобы ручки малыша стали более...

<<<  Павел Агуров. Последовательные интерфейсы ...             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

В. В. Лебедев, Г. И. Бочкарев. Читаем арабские тексты. Продвинутый John J. Wild, Kenneth L. Wild. International Business: The Challenges Иосиф Флавий. Иудейская война (аудиокнига MP3 на 2 CD) Заколдованный мальчик. Чиполлино. На диске представлены Статистика Топ Вести Glenn M. Parker, David Zielinski, Jerry McAdams. Rewarding Teams Nikki Turner. The Glamorous Life: A Novel Ливе Михаил Ахманов. Вода, которую мы пьем J. Frank Yates, J. Frank Yates. Decision Management: Конференция Андрей Щупов. Мы из спецназа. Заложники Нигма Мегафон КМ И. Смирнова. Все тайны вашего гороскопа Постельное белье "Madras" (2-х спальный КПБ, сатин, красный). Paolo Fedeli. Properzio: Elegie Libro II: Introduzione, Teste E Commento Гого
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