Евгений Торчинов

Религии мира: Опыт запредельного. Психотехника и трансперсональные состояния

Настоящая книга впервые была опубликована в 1997 году и сразу стала научным бестселлером: это была первая в отечественной, а в значительной степени и в мировой науке попытка представить религию в качестве целостного психологического феномена. ...

Б. П. Фролов

"Да, были люди в наше время..."

Труд посвящен истории Отечественной войны 1812 года с наполеоновской Францией и Заграничных походов русской армии в 1813-1814 годах. В нем дано описание Отечественной войны 1812 года; подробно рассмотрены все сражения и крупные бои, имевшие место в...

Bernice R. Krumhansl

Opportunities in Physical Therapy Careers, revised edition (Opportunities in)

Book Description Are you looking for the latest information to open the door to the career of your dreams? Opportunities in Physical Therapy Careers covers a range of jobs in this industry, from those that require high school and trade...

Climate Change Impacts for the Conterminous USA : An Integrated Assessment

Book DescriptionIn this volume, an improved Integrated Assessment methodology is used to analyze climate change impacts on agriculture, water resources, unmanaged ecosystems, irrigation, and land use in the United States and the economic...

John C. Maxwell

REAL Leadership : What Every Leader Needs to Know (The 101 Series)

Book Description Drawing from John Maxwell's bestsellers, REAL Leadership explores timeless principles in Dr. Maxwell's trademark style. In a concise, straightforward manner, Maxwell focuses on essential and time-tested qualities necessary...

Takeshi Nagatake

Classic Japanese Porcelain: Imari and Kakiemon

Book DescriptionJapan has long had a thriving tradition of high-quality handcrafted ceramics, including some of the world's most sophisticated porcelains. This highly informative volume written by a leading authority describes the origin and...

Kerry William Purcell

Weegee (Phaidon 55's S.)

Book DescriptionAn accessible, collectable book on Weegee. First immigration American, Weegee (1899?1968) is the archetypal tabloid photographer of the twentieth century. Preferring to photograph under the cover of night, he was known for his...

Cristobal Hara

Cristobal Hara: An Imaginary Spaniard

Book DescriptionWhat could the cheerful woman in the middle of a crowd be looking for in that coffin? And what kind of bishop is that with the naked beauty on his cape? The photographs of Cristobal Hara show an undiscovered Spain--far from the...

John Kieffer

Mastering Nature Photography: Shooting And Selling In The Digital Age

A one-stop resource to shooting and selling nature photography, this guide provides a comprehensive real-life account of the field's working conditions along with the artistic, business and technical skill needed to succeed in it. The information...

Paul C. Siciliano

Landscape Interpretations

Book Description Some of the greatest gardens, parks, and piazzas of Italy, France and England are showcased in this publication and its accompanying CD-ROM. Landscape designers will marvel at the extensive collection of electronic photos that...

Roger James Donald

Answer by Fire

Book DescriptionNewsman Ragner Samson is devastated when he discovers that his missing wife and children are part of a mysterious occurrence he has been covering for the Times. While he searches for them, new global leaders emerge and proceed to...

<<<  Jeremy Moskowitz. Windows 2000: Group Policy, ...             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

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