David Meltzer

David's Copy : The Selected Poems of David Meltzer (Penguin Poets)

Book Description One of the most respected poets of the Beat and San Francisco Renaissance periods, David Meltzer has kept alive interest in the interface between jazz and poetry that exploded in the 1950s. This new edition of selected poems...

Music Scenes: Local, Translocal, and Virtual

Book DescriptionWhile more than 80 percent of the world?s commercial music is controlled by four multinational firms, most music is made and enjoyed in diverse situations divorced from such corporate behemoths. These fourteen original essays...

Alexandre Dumas

Camille : After La Dame aux Camelias by Alexandre Dumas fils (Absolute Classics (London, England).)

Book Description Across the foyer of a crowded theatre, a handsome young man catches sight of the most expensive prostitute in town. When they meet, a mutual obsession is ignited-one that tears both their worlds apart. Set amidst the glittering...

Anne Gutman

Gaspard and Lisa Friends Forever (Misadventures of Gaspard and Lisa)

Amazon.comGaspard and Lisa have been best friends for a long time ("since last year") and this endearing book in Anne Gutman and Georg Hallensleben's charming series of small square books tells the story of their friendship. Despite the fact that he...

William L. Taylor

The Passion of My Times: An Advocate's Fifty-Year Journey in the Civil Rights Movement

Book DescriptionIn 1954, William L. Taylor, a recent Yale Law School graduate, joined Thurgood Marshall's NAACP Legal Defense Fund, where he would later write the victorious 1958 Supreme Court brief that forced Little Rock, Arkansas schools to...

Michael J. Turner

Pitt the Younger: A Life

Book Description William Pitt the Younger (1759-1806) was the youngest ever Prime Minister, and the second longest-serving one. Dominant in British politics for over twenty years, at a critical time in the his-tory of Britain, Europe and the...

John Einarson

For What It's Worth : The Story of Buffalo Springfield

Book DescriptionCovers the formation and rise to stardom of Buffalo Springfield....

The Mini Bath Gourmet (Mini Kits)

Book DescriptionSybarites who love lingering in the bath will relish this clever kit, which features all-natural, easily prepared recipes for fragrant, healthful soaks such as Cleopatra's Milk and Honey Bath and the Tiki Tub. It comes with a 32-page...

Janet Todd

The Collected Letters of Mary Wollstonecraft

Book Description This is the only single-volume edition containing all Wollstonecraft's known correspondence. ...

Полный справочник фармацевта

Полный справочник, содержащий все самые необходимые для практической деятельности специалистов-фармацевтов, а также врачей различных специальностей сведения о лекарственных препаратах. В издании приведена самая современная и подробная классификация...

Keith J. Jones, Richard Bejtlich, Curtis W. Rose

Real Digital Forensics: Computer Security and Incident Response (+ CD-ROM)

You can't succeed in the field of computer forensics without hands-on practice - and you can't get hands-on practice without real forensic data. The solution: "Real Digital Forensics". In this book, a team of world-class computer forensics experts...

<<<  G. B. Souza. The Survival of Empire : Portuguese ...             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

Чудесные гусли. Украинские сказки (аудиокнига СD). В издание вошли украинские Почта О. А. Красноперова. Аренда. Бухгалтерский Carol McLoud. Climbing Out : A Little Girl's Icon Health Publications. Aloe: A Medical А. П. Чехов. А. П. Чехов. Собрание сочинений. Том 5. Недоброе дело И. П. Неумывакин. Ромашка. На страже здоровья В. П. Воробьев. Большой атлас анатомии человека Кентервильское привидение. "Когда заплачет не Крис Банч. Невидимый воин Автомобильный портал РБК CDR Associates. Conflict Resolution for Managers and Leaders, Под редакцией Умберто Эко. История красоты Гоча Чоговадзе. Инфорнация: информация, общество, человек Нигма Маргит Сандему. Люди Льда (комплект из 12 книг) О компьютерах ЖЖ
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