Richard A. Brealey, Juliette Healey

Financial Stability and Central Banks: A Global Perspective (Central Bank Governors' Symposium Series)

This book offers an overview of present day thought on the very topical subject of financial stability and central banking. The papers, written by leading researchers, provide a highly informed account of contemporary policy issues and explore the...

Richard Alan Goodman

Modern Organizations and Emerging Conundrums

The contributors to this book review the postindustrial subculture, emphasizing cross-disciplinary and cross-contextual inquiry, a central idiom of postindustrial organizational life. The essays consider alternative methods of understanding media...

Harold F. Dodge, Harry G. Romig

Sampling Inspection Tables: Single and Double Sampling, 2nd Revised and Expanded Edition

The sampling inspection tables presented in this book were developed for use in the manufacture of communication apparatus and equipment for the Bell Telephone System. It assembles under one cover the three papers of original publication and adds a...

Martha Webb, Sarah Parsons Zackheim

Dress Your House for Success: 5 Fast, Easy Steps to Selling Your House, Apartment, or Condo for the Highest Po ssible Price!

or the three million people who move each year, Dress Your House for Success will almost guarantee a sale for thousands of dollars over the price of a comparable house. Now, for the first time, everyone will have access to marketing consultant...

Marianne Coleman, Ann R. J. Briggs

Research Methods in Educational Leadership and Management (1-Off)

This book is the essential guide to research in educational leadership and management by bringing together expert original contributions to present a comprehensive and accessible resource for new and experienced researchers in the field....

Hugh Cameron, Roger Voight

MindManager for Dummies

The first book available on this fast-growing and highly regarded software package MindManager allows users to visually map their ideas and brainstorming sessions in order to better organize thoughts and put them into action. Exploring all...

Raj Rajagopal

Windows NT, UNIX, NetWare Migration/Coexistence: A Professional's Guide

This manual fulfills the need for a thorough reference showing the strengths of different products and how to maximize these strengths.The work provides critical insight and understanding for:...

Adam C. Engst, David Pogue, Adam Engst

Crossing Platforms : A Macintosh/Windows Phrasebook

Like travelers in a foreign land, Mac users working in Windows or Windows users working on a Mac often find themselves in unfamiliar territory with no guidebook. Crossing Platforms: A Macintosh/Windows Phrasebook , with information...

Inc. KT Solutions, KT Solutions has focused on what it takes to create efficient, professional multimedia training t KT Solutions specializes in the development of interactive multimedia training products for computer applications. Over the past decade

Advanced Word for Office 97 (Microsoft Word 97)

This course is designed for those users wishing to fully utilize the power features of MS Word Office 97. Once you've completed this course, you'll understand and be able to use the full capabilities of Word 97....

Andrew E. Schwartz

Customer Service PowerPoint Quotes

Royalty Free - ReadySetPresent (Business Quotes): Keep your audience focused and engaged by using our carefully selected collection of thoughtful, witty and humorous quotes. Use in a presentation with an LCD projector, make handouts, and create...

Т. А. Михайлова

Хозяйка судьбы. Образ женщины в традиционной ирландской культуре

Книга посвящена анализу четырех символических образов ирландской мифологии. Все они женщины, все стоят на границе между этим миром и миром Иным, каждая несет в себе деструктивное начало, каждая кодируется значимым именем. Красавица Этайн, пророчица...

<<<  Патриция Райс. Желание и честь             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

Корбина Российская газета Фото Т. Н. Макарова. Планирование и организация методической Мегафон Программы Погода Наполеон Хилл. Как стать богатым за один год. Ключи Джоанна Холл и Сэм Мэрфи. Похудеть за 2 недели Business and Politics in Europe, 1900-1970 : Essays Автомобильный портал
Энгельс, Владимир, Калуга, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, СергиевПосад, Омск, Хабаровск, Нижневартовск, Ярославль, Грозный, Жуковский, Мытищи, Златоуст, Новотроицк, Якутск, Арзамас, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Камышин, Тверь, Пермь, Кемерово, Артём, Набережные Челны, Казань, Кострома, Арзамас, Каменск-Уральский, Ачинск,
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