David C. Thomas, Kerr Inkson

Cultural Intelligence: People Skills for Global Business

Much more than simply a list of protocols, Cultural Intelligence helps readers develop a mind-set that can be applied to any number of countries, cultures, and business situations. It is a systematic way to approach the tremendous variety of...

Aspatore Books Staff, Aspatore.com, Jo Alice Hughes

Business Travel Bible: Must Have Phone Numbers, Business Resources, Maps & Emergency Information

This comprehensive resource for business travelers includes facts, figures, and data designed to provide help and information while on the road. Included are phone numbers-both listed and unlisted-for all airlines, hotels, car rentals, and other...

John Middleton

Writing the New Economy

The new economy is spawning hundreds of good, bad, brilliant but sometimes baffling books. As more and more are published each month we are being urged to change, reinvent our business, rethink our processes and, above all, speed everything up. We...

Tim McEachern, Chris O'Brien

The New New Economy

No matter how many paradigms, buzzwords, and empty slogans the average business book reader may have picked up now that his cheese has been moved, the only way he can truly survive is to keep his sense of humor . . . not to mention finding a new...

Karen M. Sowers-Hoag, Dianne F. Harrison

Finding an Academic Job (Graduate Survival Skills)

This volume explores a range of issues surrounding the process of finding employment in academic settings. It includes surveying the market, preparation of credentials, marketing onself, hunting for a job, negotiating an offer, and issues...

Michael J. Kami, William Martz, W. F. Martz

Management Golf: What's Your Handicap?

Do you believe in action-oriented planning, the speedy execution of ideas and realistic goal-setting in business management? So do the authors of this book-and that's why they've developed this fun, innovative evaluation tool that any business can...

Grant Ledgerwood, Arlene Idol Broadhurst

Environment, Ethics and the Corporation

Environmental, Ethics and the Corporation synthesizes the perspectives of corporate environmental strategy, urban planning, international environmental diplomacy and ethics in a single, wide-ranging volume. Providing a unique analysis of...

Maximilian J.B. Hall

Regulation and Efficiency in Banking: 124 Articles, Dating from 1973 to 1998 (The International Library of Critical Writings in Economics Series)

?As the custodians of the UK?s new single financial services regulator we at the FSA are keen to learn from the academic world. Indeed, we would like to encourage more academic research on the subject of financial regulation. So we welcome...

Vlatka Hlupic

Knowledge and Business Process Management

In today?s competitive and global business environments? knowledge is recognized as one of the most important strategic assets for modern organizations. In the light of this, knowledge management (KM) continues to receive much attention...

Michael Brassard, Diane Ritter

Coach's Guide to The Memory Jogger II

The easy to use, complete reference for working with improvement and planning tools in teams. It just got easier to train others in the tools for continuous process improvement and effective planning. Make your company more efficient...

Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Oscar Corcho, Mariano Fernandez-Lopez

Ontological Engineering: With Examples from the Areas of Knowledge Management, E-Commerce and Semantic Web (Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing)

Ontologies provide a common vocabulary of an area and define - with different levels of formality - the meaning of the terms and the relationships between them. Ontologies may be reused and shared across applications and groups Concepts in the...

<<<  1941 год. В двух книгах. Книга 1. Страшная катастрофа, ...             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

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