Barry Feig

Winning Marketing Strategies

In today's fiercely competitive marketplace, you rarely get a second chance to market your product or service successful. Fortunately, you can reach your target audiences and position your products to sell - the first time, every ...

Anthony F. Herbst

Capital Asset Investment: Strategy, Tactics and Tools

Capital Asset Investment offers a detailed exposition of the theory, quantitative methods, and applications of capital budgeting. Comprehensive in scope, the author covers all the major topics in the field, providing a balanced treatment of...

Alex Wilmerding

Term Sheets & Valuations - A Line by Line Look at the Intricacies of Venture Capital Term Sheets & Valuations

Term Sheets & Valuations is the first ever in-depth look at the nuts and buts of terms sheets and valuations. The book, written by leading venture capitalist Alexander Wilmerding of Boston Capital Ventures, covers topics such What is a Term Sheet,...

Price V. Fishback

Soft Coal, Hard Choices: The Economic Welfare of Bituminous Coal Miners, 1890-1930

While most studies of labor in the coal industry focus on the struggle to organize unions, this work offers a more diverse and quantitative examination of the labor market. It regards the economic lives of the bituminous coal miners in the early...

Peter Krass

Blood and Whiskey: The Life and Times of Jack Daniel

The author traces the Daniel family lineage from Scotland and Ireland to rural Tennessee, and Jasper “Jack” Newton Daniel’s rise from hardscrabble youth to a dandy gent with a love of horses, fine clothes and women, a colleague of J.P. Morgan’s and...

Gerald A., Ph.D. Vanim, Career Solutions Training Group, Southwestern

Quick Skills: Workplace Politics and Personalities

This skill-focused book is designed for quick professional skill development. Workplace Politics and Personalities provides the reader with solid information on working with others as well as on handling corporate change.Other topics discussed...

David C. Korten

When Corporations Rule the World

When Corporations Rule the World explains how economic globalization has concentrated the power to govern in global corporations and financial markets and detached them from accountability to the human interest. It documents the devastating...

Linda Fernandez, Richard T. Carson

Both Sides of the Border: Transboundary Environmental Management Issues Facing Mexico and the United States (The Economics of Non-Market Goods and Resources, V. 2)

This volume complements Shared Space: Rethinking the U.S.-Mexico Border Environment, edited by Lawrence Herzog and Environmental Management on North America's Borders, edited by Richard Kiy and John Wirth. This volume expands the range of issues...

Daria Price Bowman

Presentations: Proven Techniques for Creating Presentations that Get Results

In today's business world, it's extremely important to effectively communicate your ideas. Whether you're selling a product, outlining a proposal, or attempting to generate support for a project, a superior presentation will get superior results. ...

Edgar H. Schein

Career Survival : Strategic Job and Role Planning (Pfeiffer Career Series)

Forecast how jobs will change in the future and plan accordingly Career Survival shows you how to identify the key elements of an individual's job now and in the future and how to set appropriate priorities. Helps managers,...

Werner Leonhard

Control of Electrical Drives

Presents a unified treatment of complete electrical drive systems, including the mechanical parts, electrical machines, and power converters and control....

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Поиск майл.ру HILLIER, PAUL. THE THEATRE OF VO. Исполнитель: HILLIER, PAUL Альбом: Ливе Fabrizio Barca, Marco Becht. The Control of Corporate Brad Henson. Heart Attack Survivor: A Field Guide Using Treaties And Holding Companies for Latin American Tax Leonhard Fuchs. De Historia Stirpium Commentarii Морис Леблан. Графиня Калиостро (аудиокнига Новости Роберт Грейсмит. Зодиак Мой мир В. А. Аксак. Полезные программы для ПК. Просто как дважды МТС МТС Drew Hayden Taylor. In a World Created by a Drunken МТС THE BEST OF TAVENER. THE BEST OF TAVENER
Белгород, Киселёвск, Норильск, Елец, Таганрог, Волгоград, Балаково, Екатеринбург, Ногинск, Череповец, Тюмень, Йошкар-Ола, Тобольск, Волгодонск, Ноябрьск, Томск,
Средний и малый бизнес| Современные драмы| Основы безопасности жизнедеятельности (ОБЖ)| Тесты, ПДД| Театр. Сценическое искусство| Религиоведение. История религий| Боевики| Общие вопросы права| Иностранные языки| Исторические боевики| Основы предпринимательства| Вестерны| Вторая мировая война| Таможенное регулирование| Финансы. Денежное обращение| Авторское право| Рыбалка| Промышленность. Энергетика| Изобразительное искусство. Архитектура. Альбомы|
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