Джек Лондон

Джек Лондон. Собрание сочинений в тринадцати томах. Том 6

Издание 1976 года. Сохранность хорошая. В 6-ой том вошли: роман "Железная пята", повести "Игра", "До Адама" и "Алая чума"....

Вячеслав Куприянов

Лучшие времена

В эпиграф к творчеству известного поэта Вячеслава Куприянова можно вынести его же строку - "Зерна мгновенных прозрений". Отдавая дань традиционному (рифмованному) стиху, вместе с тем он один из лидеров современного верлибра, начавшего утверждаться в...

Charles K. Wilber

Economics, Ethics, and Public Policy

Ethics, argue the contributors to this book, plays an important role in economics. Economists have ethical values that help shape the way they work; economic actors have ethical values that help shape their behavior; and economic institutions and...

Jonathan M. Harris

Rethinking Sustainability: Power, Knowledge, and Institutions (Evolving Values for a Capitalist World)

Bringing together the thoughts of economists, political scientists, anthropologists, philosophers, and agricultural policy professionals, this volume focuses on the issues of sustainability in development. Examining such topics as international...

Torsten Persson

Political Economics: Explaining Economic Policy (Zeuthen Lectures)

What determines the size and form of redistributive programs, the extent and type of public goods provision, the burden of taxation across alternative tax bases, the size of government deficits, and the stance of monetary policy during the course of...

Kristin J. Arnold

Team Basics: Practical Strategies for Team Success

This straightforward, illustrated guide takes the mystery out of teams in the workplace. Team Basics covers it all from launching your team, through process and problems, to disbanding, and addresses specialized issues such as dispersed ("virtual")...

Roger K. Lewis

Architect? A Candid Guide to the Profession

"This is a terrific book for anyone thinking about a career in architecture. It's very useful and valuable." -- Richard Meier, Richard Meier & Partners "Required reading for would-be architects, it's also of value for those who teach them." -- ...

Ben Reilly, Benjamin Reilly

Democracy in Divided Societies: Electoral Engineering for Conflict Management (Theories of Institutional Design)

Reilly analyzes the design of electoral systems for divided societies, examining various divided societies which utilize "vote-pooling" electoral systems--including Papua New Guinea, Sri Lanka, Northern Ireland and Fiji. He shows that political...

Joseph E. Stiglitz, Carl E. Walsh

Principles of Macroeconomics, Third Edition

For the Third Edition, 2001 Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz joins forces with new co-author Carl Walsh, who brings both economic expertise and teaching savvy to the project. Together, Stiglitz and Walsh thoroughly integrate contemporary economics...

David James Duncan

My Story as Told by Water: Confessions, Druidic Rants, Reflections, Bird-Watchings, Fish-Stalkings, Visions, Songs and Prayers Refracting Light, from Living Rivers, in the Age of the Industrial Dark

In this remarkable collection of essays, David James Duncan, award-winning author of The River Why, braids his contemplative, activist, and rhapsodic voices together into a potently distinctive whole, speaking with power and urgency about the vital...

Thomas E. Welch

Moving Beyond Environmental Compliance: A Handbook for Integrating Pollution Prevention with ISO 14000

Since the U.S. Department of Energy (as well as other Federal and International agencies) will stop granting contracts to companies that fail to comply with 14000 standards, the search is on for any book that will make 14000 compliance easier. Tom...

<<<  Михаил Вольпе. Еврейские традиции             Billie Letts. Shoot the Moon >>>

Handbook of Management Information Systems. Лин фон Паль. Все тайны Грааля Одноклассники Jerold Zimmerman. Accounting for Decision Making and Control Н. Ф. Дик. Веселые классные часы во 2-3 классах Все о Линукс Гого Хайнрих Макротт. Голуби. Содержание и разведение Погода Смекалочка. Электровикторина для детей. Эта игра - Лариса Тананаева. Три лика польского модерна Компьютерные новости Б. И. Гладков. Толкование Евангелия QIP.ру Anthony Ham, Andrew Burke. Lonely Planet Middle East
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