Dick Leatherman

The Training Trilogy

This incredible book is written for both new trainers as well as those that are more experienced. New trainers apreciate Dr. Dick Leatherman's easy style of writing, personal examples, and detailed "How to do it!" instructions. Experienced trainers...

Julie DeGalan, Stephen Lambert

Great Jobs for Psychology Majors

This series helps students explore career options within their field of study. Every aspect of the job search process is covered, including assessing talents and skills, exploring options, making a smooth transition from college to career,...

Abbass F. Alkhafaji

Competitive Global Management - Principles and Strategies

Each chapter in Competitive Global Management: Principles and Strategies lists important objectives to be learned. The latest management research explains strategies of multinational corporations. A real-life case study helps the reader comprehend...

Alfred Demaris


Logit Modeling represents a breakthrough for researchers because it offers ways for more efficient estimation of models with multiple categorical variables, particularly whenever the measurement assumptions for classical multiple...

George S. Yip

Asian Advantage : Key Strategies for Winning in the Asia-Pacific Region, Updated EditionAfter the Crisis

How a rapidly changing Asia offers new opportunities for Western business Despite the recent financial turmoil in the region, many Asian economies are restructuring and are poised for sustained growth. Asian Advantage is the most comprehensive...

J.C. Waterlow, J. C. Waterlow, D.G. Armstrong, Leslie Fowden, Ralph Riley, Rank Prize Funds

Feeding a World Population of More Than Eight Billion People: A Challenge to Science (Topics in Sustainable Agronomy S.)

The 1990 world population of 5.5 billion is projected to grow to 10 billion by 2050. Can the future demand for food be satisfied? This question is particularly difficult given that even in 1990 1.1 billion people in developing countries were...

Ray Ramon

Technology Solutions for Growing Businesses

The small to medium-sized business typically has no IT department to turn to for technology advice, and owners and managers in these settings have often had to count on their own know-how or pay to have an expert to come in. Now, Technology...

USHC) United Seniors Health Council, United Seniors Health Council

Planning for Long Term Care

A PAPERBACK ORIGINAL A comprehensive guide to understanding, choosing, and buying long-term care services and insurance "An excellent source of information." ­­Money magazine "This book...

Bennett A. McDowell

The Survival Guide For Traders

"The Survival Guide for Traders" is divided into ten color-coded sections. The sections include: trading business plan, education, business and office set-up, and seven more information filled sections. This is a great guide for anyone interested in...

Katrin Eismann, Doug Nelson

Photoshop Restoration & Retouching, Second Edition

Learn to remove wrinkles, unwanted backgrounds or color casts, image flaws or 10extra pounds so images look better than reality. Photoshop Restoration andRetouching, 2/E has been updated with new techniques, new projects, and new...

Earl Carter

CCSP Self-Study : Cisco Secure Intrusion Detection System (CSIDS) (2nd Edition) (Certification Self-Study Series)

Understand how Cisco IDS can be used to protect, monitor, and enforce physical security policies Review techniques applicable to both network- and host-based platforms Review the security wheel concepts and apply security to...

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