Maurice Herbert, Dobb

Theories of Value and Distribution Since Adam Smith; Ideology and Economic Theory,

Mr Dobb examines the history of economic thought in the light of the modern controversy over capital theory and, more particularly, the appearance of Sraffa's book The Production of Commodities by Means of Commodities, which was a watershed in the...

George Mair

The Barry Diller Story : The Life and Times of America's Greatest Entertainment Mogul

The meteoric rise of "Killer Diller" Barry Diller has been a major player in the entertainment industry for more than thirty years. Always on the cutting edge, he revolutionized television with such groundbreaking concepts as the...

Howard W. Oden

Transforming the Organization : A Social-Technical Approach

The rapidly increasing rate of world change demands not just incremental change that organizations have used in the past, but fast, radical alterations of their strategy, culture, structure, and processes. Nothing less than transformation will do,...

Jeffrey A. Miron

The Economics of Seasonal Cycles

Historically, economists sought to understand the economic significance of macro fluctuations associated with seasons. During the 1920s and 1930s, the focus shifted to business cycles, and seasonal fluctuations were treated as noise that could be...

Ronald J. Burke, Cary L. Cooper

The Organization in Crisis: Downsizing, Restructuring, and Privatization (Manchester Business and Management Series)

The Organization in Crisis brings together a team of leading international researchers and practitioners to study the implementation and impact of organizational changes such as downsizing, restructuring and privatization. The text...

Lisa H. Cassilly, Clare Draper

Privacy in the Workplace: A Guide for Attorneys and HR Professionals

The workplace is a pivotal arena for privacy issues and still one of the murkiest. Privacy Issues in the Workplace helps to shed light on the most pressing workplace privacy issues. This book is a must-have for any law library or practice. Each...

Jefferey M. Sellers, Jeffrey M. Sellers

Governing from Below: Urban Regions and the Global Economy (Cambridge Studies in Comparative Politics)

Cities play a growing role in governing. This new role fits within a context that nation-states, global market forces and cities themselves continue to define. The analysis of this book focuses on how local efforts in the distinct European systems...

Rosa Perez-Koenig, Barry Rock

Social Work in the Era of Devolution: Toward a Just Practice

While economic indicators in recent years have shown an unprecedented level of prosperity, social indicators tell a different story: growing economic disparity, increasing numbers of Americans lacking health insurance, increased levels of poverty...

David A. Sousa

The Leadership Brain: How to Lead Today's Schools More Effectively

This powerful resource includes valuable self-assessment tools, resources, and practical applications that will help instructional leaders develop a modern, creative, team-centered school. ...

Gabriele Lohmann

Volumetric Image Analysis

Volumetric, or three-dimensional, digital imaging now plays a vital role in many areas of research such as medicine and geology. Medical images acquired by tomographic scanners for instance are often given as a stack of cross-sectional image slices....

Ilene Hoffman

iMac Fast & Easy, Revised and Expanded

Relax. Learning how to use the iMac is now a breeze. With this book's step-by-step instructions, you can master it in no time. From the basics of getting started with your iMac and workig with windows to wanderingt he Web and adding peripherals,...

<<<  Виктор Ночкин, Бэлла Крейнина. Свирель Гангмара             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

Владимир Томсинов. Сперанский Бесплатные объявления Michael Bednar. L'Enfant's Legacy: Public Open Spaces in Washington, D.C. (Creating В. Р. Захарьин. Счет 23 "Вспомогательные производства". Бухгалтерский Glenn M. Wong. Essentials of Sports Law: Third Edition Книга Бытия. Книга Бытия начинается кратким рассказом о сотворении Уильям Шекспир. Король Генрих IV Д. Олиф. Мастифы. Полный атлас пород И. С. Масликов. Юридический словарь Конференция Бесплатный хостинг Рамблер John Denver. Poems, Prayers and Promises: The Art and Soul Почта Почта Киреевский И.Р.. Питание для лиц c IV(AB) Счетчик Билайн Carl W. Ackerman. George Eastman: Founder of Kodak and the Photography Рефераты ДМОЗ Вики
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