USA International Business Publications

Cuba Country Study Guide (World Country Study Guide

Book DescriptionThis study guide contains basic information on economy, government, business, history and geography, climate, traditions, people, places to visit. Provides information on government, political organizations, and more... Includes...

Letty Japzon

Consulting Today: Fundamentals, Practices, Trends

Book DescriptionConsulting Today is a practical book filled with samples, examples, checklists, practice exercises, mini case studies, personal anecdotes, war stories, common issues, suggested solutions, and key points. This book offers practical...

Paul Charles Light

Sustaining Nonprofit Performance: The Case for Capacity Building and the Evidence to Support It

Book Description"The nonprofit sector survives because it has a self-exploiting work force: wind it up and it will do more with less until it just runs out. But at some point, the spring must break." America's nonprofit organizations face a...

George Mott

Foro Italico

Book DescriptionIntroduction by Giorgio Armani. Essays by Michelangelo Sabatino and Luigi Ballarini. Boasting to everyone that his forum would be grander than the Coliseum, Mussolini created the Stadio dei Marmi, or Stadium of Statues, an arena...

Future Cinema : The Cinematic Imaginary After Film (Electronic Culture: History, Theory, and Practice)

Book DescriptionThroughout the history of cinema, a radical avant-garde has existed on the fringes of the film industry. A great deal of research has focused on the pre- and early history of cinema, but there has been little speculation about a...

Laurel Long

The Lady and the Lion

Book DescriptionLove and honor can overcome even the fiercest obstacles, as we see in this spellbinding fairy tale, with shades of "Beauty and the Beast." To save her father, a young woman must go to the castle of a menacing lion. She fears for her...

Wolfgang Langewiesche

America from the Air: An Aviator's Story (American Land Classics)

"I am no helmeted, begoggled hero of the skies; picture me bookish, bespectacled, unable to hold even a teacup without rattling it. As a pilot, I am merely an amateur, and I know it.... I shouldn't be talking. But I can't help talking.For you...

Evelyn Jones

World's Wackiest Riddle Book

What’s the wildest, wackiest riddle book ever put together? This is, and that's why every one of these jokes and cartoons will drive kids crazy with laughter. Children can pick a category, from “Pet Talk” to “Fast and...

Walter Benjamin

Walter Benjamin: Selected Writings, Volume 2, part 2, 1931-1934 (Walter Benjamin)

Book DescriptionVolume 2 of the Selected Writings is now available in paperback in two parts. Part 2 contains, in addition to the important longer essays, "Franz Kafka," "Karl Kraus," and "The Author as Producer," the extended...

Harriette Mogul

Syndrome W : A Woman's Guide to Reversing Mid-Life Weight Gain

Book DescriptionHarriette Mogul explains that this unfortunate weight gain, which impacts millions of women, does not have to be a permanent condition. With clear and understanding language, she illustrates that the added pounds are actually a...

Elvira Woodruff

The Ravenmaster's Secret : Escape From The Tower Of London

Book Description It's 1735. Forrest Harper's life inside the Tower of London consists of three ways to pass the time: chores, chores, and more chores. His only friends are the spirited ravens he tends with his father. So when vicious Scottish...

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Теория киноискусства, премии, фильмы| Химическая и лесная промышленность. Полиграфия| Немецкий язык| Маркетинг. Общие вопросы| Налогообложение| Военные драмы| Конструкторы деревянные| Мозаика. Смальта| Актеры.| Детский детектив| Компьютерные технологии в предпринимательстве| Парапсихология| Кулинария| Индийские детективы| Драмы| Менеджмент| Искусство. Архитектура. Религия. Традиции.| Инвестиции| Вестерны| Комедии| Обществознание| Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции| Космос, техника, транспорт| Архитектура. Градостроительство| Сборники отечественных мультфильмов| Реклама, PR, брендинг, имиджелогия| История экономики| Релаксация и медитация| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Альбомы, анкеты, дневнички| Средние века| Криминальные драмы| Караоке| Microsoft Windows| Антикварная графика| Комедийные боевики| Право. Юриспруденция| Психологические| Остер, Григорий| Космос, техника, транспорт| Индийские мелодрамы|
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