Valerie Ann Worwood

Aromatherapy for the Beauty Therapist: Hairdressing And Beauty Industry Authority/Thomson Learning Series

Aromatherapy for the Beauty Therapist is the first detailed book to give professionals, student beauty therapists and aromatherapists information on how to use essential oils and aromatherapy in beauty care and beauty treatments. Aromatherapy for...

Yasheng Huang

Inflation and Investment Controls in China: The Political Economy of Central-Local Relations During the Reform Era

This book analyzes why local officials in China comply with investment-reduction and inflation-control policies of the central government against their own economic interests. The book shows the importance of political institutions, and provides a...

United Nations Development Programme

Human Development Report 2003: Millennium Development Goals : A Compact Among Nations to End Human Poverty (Human Development Report, 2003)

The Human Development Report 2003 discusses the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)--the targets set for reductions in poverty, improvements in health and education, and protection of the environment around the world by the year 2015. In September...

Bjorn Hettne, Andras Inotai, Osvaldo Sunkel

National Perspectives On the New Regionalism in the North : Vol. 2 (International Political Economy)

This is the second of five volumes reporting on the UNU/WIDER project on new regionalism. This volume presents various national perspectives on the process of regionalization in order to get a more concrete understanding of its dynamics. It is...

Ruth Roosevelt

12 Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders

Twelve Habitudes of Highly Successful Traders uncovers all the habits unsuccessful traders refuse to accept. "Have you ever found yourself fully intending to do one thing and ending up doing quite the opposite? Or promising yourself you won't do...

Michael R. Czinkota, Bob Donath, Ilkka A. Ronkainen

Mastering Global Markets: Strategies for Today's Trade Globalist

This book is designed for business professionals that are either thinking about taking their business globally or want to improve their global strategy. Beginning first with an overview of the global business environment, Mastering Global Markets:...

Douglas Brownlie

Rethinking Marketing: Towards Critical Marketing Accountings

`This is an important text. It brings together critical reflections on the discipline's contribution in terms of theory, practice and pedagogy and as such is equally as insightful and challenging as some of its recent predecessors (eg Brown et al...

Jack W. Plunkett

The Almanac of American Employers 2003 (The Only Complete Guide to America's Hottest, Fastest-Growing Corporate Employers)

Looking for jobs and careers with top American employers? Companies that are recruiting and hiring today? Do you want employment with top salaries, benefits, stock options and advancement opportunities? The Almanac of American Employers, leads job...

Jane P. Mallor

Business Law and the Regulatory Environment with PowerWeb

Mallor's 11ed is designed to meet the needs of the two-term course. The first term is generally required of business majors and the second by accounting majors, as it prepares them to sit for the CPA exam. The cases in the 11ed are excerpted and...

Timothy G. Baugh, Jonathon E Ericson

Prehistoric Exchange Systems in North America (Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology)

In this unique volume, archaeologists examine the changing economic structure of trade in North America over a period of 6,000 years. Organined by geographical and chronological divisions, each chapter focuses on trade in one of nine regions from...

Д. И. Фонвизин, А. С. Грибоедов, А. Н. Островский

Д. И. Фонвизин, А. С. Грибоедов, А. Н. Островский. Избранные сочинения

Вступительная статья В. Турбина. В книгу включены комедии Д. И. Фонвизина "Недоросль", А. С. Грибоедова "Горе от ума" и пьесы А. Н. Островского: "Доходное место", "Гроза", "Лес", "Не все коту масленица", "Бесприданница" и "Таланты и...

<<<  Дуг Дюбоск. Как рисовать перспективу             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

Мой телефон 2.0. LG. Сборник "Мой телефон 2.0. LG" содержит свободно Calvin Trillin. A Heckuva Job: More of the Bush Administration in Rhyme Игры 55 градусов ниже нуля. Борис Невзоров ("Главный конструктор"), В. Ф. Греков, В. В. Чижов. Пособие для занятий по русскому языку в старших Шекспир. Ромео и Джульетта - Гамлет - Номерной экземпляр А. Бинецкий. Коррупция На суше и на море. 1988. Двадцать восьмой выпуск научно-художественного Поиск людей Поиск людей Joel P. Henning. The Future of Staff Groups: Roger L. Kemp. The Inner City: A Handbook for Renewal Почта Яхо Автомобильный портал
Волжский, Самара, Стерлитамак, Чита, Новосибирск, Северск, Новокузнецк, Новомосковск, Москва , Рубцовск, Северодвинск, Батайск, Обнинск, Электросталь, ВеликийНовгород, Абакан, Батайск, Миасс, Иваново,
Скульптура| Видеоигры и консоли| Страноведение. США| Компьютер и интернет| Книжки 3D| Аудит| Кодексы, законы и комментарии| Остер, Григорий| Немецкий| Конструкторы| Филологические науки| Компьютерные технологии в предпринимательстве| Восточные единоборства| Люди искусства и шоу-бизнеса| Фитнес| Интернет-маркетинг. Интернет-реклама| Компьютер и интернет| Индийские триллеры| Linux и FreeBSD| Современные мелодрамы| Школа рисования| Науки о Земле| Приключенческие триллеры| Товары для активного отдыха| Программы о психологии и человеке| Кантри| Организационный и производственный менеджмент| Охрана и безопасность труда. Трудовые ресурсы| Криминальные фильмы|
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