Thomas A. Williams

How to Publish Your Own City Magazines, Tourism Guides and Newcomer Guides

This utterly complete how-to and operations manual is jampacked with details and techniques that will enable you to start and make big profits publishing you own city magazines, regional magazines, tourism guides, newcomer guides and Chamber of...

Janet Katz, Carol Carter, Joyce Bishop, Sarah Lyman Kravits

Keys to Science Success

KEY BENEFIT : Proficiency in the sciences and an understanding of technological advances has become a must for career success. Based on the successful Keys to Success, this resource explores all aspects of careers in...

Sunny A. Auyang

Foundations of Complex-System Theories: In Economics, Evolutionary Biology, and Statistical Physics

Complex behavior can occur in any system made up of large numbers of interacting constituents, be they atoms in a solid, cells in a living organism, or consumers in a national economy. Analysis of this behavior often involves making important...

Henry Bartoli, Henri Bartoli

Rethinking Development: Putting an End to Poverty

If major prospects of progress are to be opened up for human beings, and if the struggle against multidimensional poverty is to be successfully waged throughout the world, the "current programs of action" are not sufficient; nor is a reliance on...

Henry L. Diamond, Patrick F. Noonan, Lincoln Institute of Land Policy

Land Use in America

Over the past two decades, great strides have been made on a wide variety of environmental fronts. Air and water quality have improved significantly, certain endangered species are on the road to recovery, and there is a marked increase in...

Don Hutson


Whether you are a sales professional trying to stay on the cutting edge, an executive trying to sell your boss on a new success plan, or an individual trying to raise money for your local charity, competition is fierce today! Corporate buyers and...

Павловск. Дворцово-парковый ансамбль

Перед вами альбом, представляющий дворцово-парковый музей-заповедник в городе Павловске - характерный памятник русской архитектуры, искусства паркостроения и декоративно-прикладного искусства периода классицизма. История этого самого молодого из...

Martin Sitter

DVD Studio Pro 1.5 for Macintosh: Visual QuickPro Guide

If you are new to both DVD authoring in general and DVD Studio Pro in particular, the 17 chapters in this book are the road map you need. Every page is loaded with information, tips, screen shots, and tutorials designed to walk you through the...

Robert J. Chassell

An Introduction to Programming in Emacs Lisp

Emacs Lisp is a simple, complete, and powerful programming language. It is the building block of GNU Emacs, which is an integrated development environment with special features for scanning and parsing text as well as for handling multiple files and...

Fistulas - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Михаил Постников

Бронезащита средних танков Т-34. 1941-1945

Иллюстрированное издание посвящено развитию бронезащиты и живучести советских средних танков Т-34 в 1941-1945 гг. Издание рассчитано на широкий круг читателей, интересующихся историей бронетанковой техники....

<<<  В. И. Юров. Assembler. Учебник для вузов             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

Яндекс Robert Frank. Principles of Macroeconomics + Софья Прокофьева. Замок Черной Королевы В. В. Калюжный. Числовой код судьбы Брелок Olmecs c фонариком, серебряный. Вашему Мамбо. Квадратная румба. Уровень начальный, средний. Компьютерные новости Е. И. Курашвили, И. И. Кондратьева, В. С. Штрунова. Английский язык для студентов-физиков. QIP.ру Погода Учим математику с увлечением. 1-4 классы. Очень часто, сталкиваясь с первыми Настройка, оптимизация, твикинг, моддинг Корбина Samba Social Club (2). The new edition of Samba Social Club celebrates Sally Gardner. The Boy with the Magic В. В. Лебединский. Нарушение психического развития в детском возрасте Н. Угринович. Информатика. 7 класс Гогле РБК Уайли Т.. Флиртуй со мной
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