Global Monitoring Report 2005: Millennium Development Goals from Consensus to Momentum (Global Monitoring Report)

The year 2005 marks an important juncture for development as the international community takes stock of implementation of the Millennium Declaration--signed by 189 countries in 2000--and discusses how progress toward the Millennium Development Goals...

John Simmons

Dark Angels : How Writing Releases Creativity at Work

Book Description By developing creativity in everyday language and words, this writing guide helps businesses and business professionals strengthen their goals and generate fresh ideas. Suggestions for e-mails, reports, letters, memos, and...

James E. Fickle

Timber: A Photographic History of Mississippi Forestry

Book DescriptionThis collection of black-and-white images conveys the story of human impact on Mississippi's forests from the pioneer era to the present. Photographs gleaned from public and private archives, tell a visual tale of the development of...

Kristen Gandrow

Playwrights' Center Monologues for Women, The

Book DescriptionNew plays often originate from monologues, and the Playwrights' Center of Minneapolis is the creative home for hundreds of playwrights whose work is produced throughout the country....

How To Draw Kung Fu Comics Volume 1

Ever wonder how the great kung fu comic creators like Tony Wong, Andy Seto, and Wing Shing Ma work their magic? Well, now you can learn how it's done. Volume 1 of How to Draw Kung Fu Comics: Compiling Characters intuitively runs down the finer point...

Shawn Frederick

The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Great Photography

Book Description Make every picture perfect. For anyone who?s tired of taking bad photos, this book is the answer. Here, readers learn all they need to know to improve their pictures?for both film and digital...

H. S. Bhabra

Gestures: A Novel

Book DescriptionA beautiful and harrowing reflection on memory and accountability, Gestures is a tale of eloquent and tragic force. The story begins in 1923. A young and inexperienced Foreign Service officer, Jeremy Burnham arrives in...

Robert Desjarlais

Sensory Biographies: Lives and Deaths among Nepal's Yolmo Buddhists

Book DescriptionRobert Desjarlais's graceful ethnography explores the life histories of two Yolmo elders, focusing on how particular sensory orientations and modalities have contributed to the making and the telling of their lives. These two are a...

Gene Logsdon

Wyeth People

Book DescriptionWyeth People is the story of one writer’s search for the meaning of artistic creativity, approached from personal contact with the work of one of the world’s great artists, Andrew Wyeth. In the 1960s, just beginning...

Rosevita Warda

Relax to the Max : 60 Candles, Scents, Soaps & Potpourri Crafts to Create Your Own Bliss

Book Description Slow down (maybe even stop), and smell the roses--and the jasmine, sandalwood, peppermint, and citrus blends, too. These remarkable fragrant candles, soaps, and potpourris make it simple for overworked, stressed-out women to...

Marc Brown

Arthur and the School Pet (Step-Into-Reading, Step 3)

Book DescriptionDuring Christmas vacation week, D.W. volunteers to take the classroom pet gerbil, Speedy, home for the holidays. D.W. plans to teach him some new tricks to show her class, but soon learns that taking care of a gerbil isn’t as...

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Поиск работы Стихия страсти. Каньяк Александра ("Смертельные РБК Ответы Наталья Александрова. Две дамы с попугаем С. Пономарев, Е. Нижниковский. Горная Осетия МСН Набор кухонных полотенец "Карамельная песня", 100% О. А. Букина. Азбука бухгалтера. От аванса до баланса Гогле Одноклассники Маргарет Дойл, Дэвид Ламберт. Все о сексе Статистика Brad Gilbert. I've Got Your Back : Coaching Top Вадим Панов. Кафедра странников Аннетте Вольтер. Салаты Александр Кабаков. Невозвращенец. Приговоренный Чат Drew Hayden Taylor. In a World Created by a Drunken
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Фильмы-катастрофы| Классические детективы| Кинематография России и СССР| Музыкальные инструменты| Мультипликационные сериалы| История нового времени (XVI - 1918 г.)| Детский детектив| Новая история| Информатика. Вычислительная техника| Остер, Григорий| Кадровый менеджмент. Планирование, подбор и развитие персонала| Информационные технологии в предпринимательстве| Буддизм| Биология| Молодежные комедии| Биографии композиторов| Воспитание и педагогика|
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