Елена Федотова

Ван Гог

Винсенту Ван Гогу (1853 - 1890) по праву принадлежит исключительное место в искусстве XIX столетия. Его творчество было связано с Голландией, где он родился и провел юношеские годы, и с Францией, где он жил с 1886 года до своей трагической смерти....

Л. Скребцова, М. Скребцова, А. Лопатина

Сказочный справочник здоровья для детей и родителей. Том I

Книга предназначена для всех, кто хочет лечить себя и своих детей дарами земли. В Серии "Сказочный справочник здоровья" фрукты, ягоды, овощи и злаки в занимательных и добрых сюжетах расскажут вам о своих целебных и питательных свойствах. Первый том...

Thomas M. Doerflinger

A Vigorous Spirit of Enterprise: Merchants and Economic Development in Revolutionary Philadelphia

A social, economic, and political study of Philadelphia merchants, this study presents both the spirit and statistics of merchant life. Doerflinger studies the Philadelphia merchant community from three perspectives: their commercial world, their...

Daniel T. Rodgers

Atlantic Crossings: Social Politics in a Progressive Age

The title Atlantic Crossings refers to the cross-pollination of social thinking between the United States and Europe (primarily Britain) in the first half of the 20th century. Princeton history professor Daniel T. Rodgers's extensive...

Deborah, J. Swiss

The Male Mind at Work: A Woman's Guide to Working with Men

For every woman who works with men-an immediately empowering guide to rising above gender politics and succeeding in the workplace. Knowledge is a powerful tool. The Male Mind at Work answers the troublesome and intriguing questions about...

Edward C. Andler, Dara Herbst

Complete Reference Checking Handbook, The: The Proven (and Legal) Way to Prevent Hiring Mistakes

The original edition of The Complete Reference Checking Handbook provided managers, small company owners, and human resources professionals with all the tools and information necessary to reduce screening time, identify underqualified or...

Dean Baker, Gerald A. Epstein, Robert Pollin

Globalization and Progressive Economic Policy

In Globalization and Progressive Economic Policy, thirty-six prominent economists analyze the impact of the emerging global economy on our national sovereignty and standards of living. Does globalization cause inequality? Instability? Unemployment?...

David Banister, Dominic Stead, Peter Steen, Jonas Akerman, Karl Dreborg, Peter Kijkamp, Ruggero Schleicher-Tappeser

European Transport Policy and Sustainable Mobility (Transport, Development & Sustainability)

Fully edited text arising from a major European Commission research project. The book sets current European transport policy in context and includes forces of change, transport trends, policy responses and impacts on sustainable development....

Ken Stern

To Hell & Back: How I Survived Wall Street's Roller Coaster...and How You Can Too

Hug the bear and take the bull by the horns. Come out ahead in any market. Investors are more worried than ever about where to invest their money. Investment expert Ken Stern's new book To Hell and Back offers smart...

Michael C. Fleming

Principles of Applied Statistics: An Integrated Approach using MINITABO and Excel

Designed for anyone who needs a comprehensive introduction to the principles of statistical methods and their applications, this text is written in a practical, non-threatening style. Step-by-step worked examples are used to illustrate the use of...

Jim Pickens, Ben Gay

The Closers

"The Closers," the keystone of Ben Gay III's world-famous series of books, cassette programs, newsletters and seminars is the most powerful book on selling ever written. With over 2,000,000 copies sold since it was first published in 1980, it...

<<<  Зверев Сергей Иванович. Черный мятеж             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

Julius's Candy Corn. Book Description When Компьютерные новости Yves Behar. Yves Behar+fuseproject : Concept/Commerce : Commerce/Concept Mark Keavney. The Archer's Flight Яндекс И. А. Муравьева. Век модерна. Панорама столичной Валерий Ганичев. Росс непобедимый Юлий Квицинский. Отступник Jan De Cock. Jan De Cock: Denkmal Апорт Транслит Работа МСН Bernd Scherer. Introduction to Modern Portfolio
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