Olivier Blanchard

The Economics of Post-Communist Transition (Clarendon Lectures in Economics)

Transition in Central and Eastern Europe, as Blanchard points out, has adhered to a U-shaped response in terms of economic output--that is, a sharp decline in output followed by a recovery. Today, most of the countries of Central Europe seem to have...

E. M. Bennatan

On Time Within Budget: Software Project Management Practices and Techniques, 3rd Edition

A developer's survival guide packed with real-life case studies, tips, techniques, and best practices for completing software projects on time and within budget Whether you work at a large or small company, this book will...

Janet G. Butler

Information Technology: Converging Strategies and Trends for the 21st Century

CTR's 245-page report addresses the forces and technologies shaping the information technology (IT) industry as it moves into the 21st century and focuses on how an organization's IT function must change to meet new business needs. The report...

Steve McConnell

Software Project Survival Guide

Equip yourself with software project survival guide. It's for everyone with a stake in the outcome of a development project - and especially for those without formal software project management training. That includes top managers, executives,...

M. Larry Shillito

Advanced QFD: Linking Technology to Market and Company Needs

Covers basic principles and proactive and pragmatic quality function deployment (QFD) methods. Explains how to arrange groups in an industrial organization into design and development teams. Describes how to implement QFD to effectively produce...

Indira Patro

Seeds of Success

Success is neither an inheritance, nor an accident. It is God's plan. Total Success Ministries Letter To Pastors Dear Pastors and Leaders, Please allow me to introduce Total Success Ministries; dedicated to helping people understand that...

Ivan Kiselev

Aspect-Oriented Programming with AspectJ

In a November 2001 Java Pro magazine article, noted Java pundit Daniel Savarese states, "The days of Object-Oriented Programming may be numbered, One day we may all be using Aspect-Oriented Programming ." While this may be hyperbole, the AOP...

Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Francois E. Cellier, Bernard P. Zeigler

Discrete Event Modeling and Simulation Technologies: A Tapestry of Systems and Ai-Based Theories and Methodologies : A Tribute to the 60th Birthday of Bernard P. Zeigler

The underlying technologies enabling the realization of recent advances in areas like mobile and enterprise computing are artificial intelligence (AI), modeling and simulation, and software engineering. A disciplined, multifaceted, and unified...

Alvin Chan Toong Shoon, Alvin Toong Shoon Chan

Cooperative Internet Computing (Kluwer International Series in Engineering and Computer Science, Secs 729)

Cooperative computing is an important computing paradigm to enable different parties to work together towards a pre-defined non-trivial goal. It encompasses important technological areas like computer supported cooperative work, workflow, computer...

В. А. Епифанов, А. А. Паньковский

Финансовый менеджмент: понятие, направления и практика реализации

В учебнике рассматриваются вопросы финансового менеджмента с позиций общей системы управления экономикой России и управления финансами предприятий всех видов собственности и организационно-правовых форм. Отдельно анализируются роль и...

Хрестоматия по русской и зарубежной литературе для 1-4 классов

В издание включены произведения русских и зарубежных авторов, рекомендуемые Министерством образования Российской Федерации учащимся начальных классов общеобразовательной школы....

<<<  А. Ю. Целлариус. Я познаю мир: Динозавры             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

Слова и предложения. Тетрадь дошкольника по Переноска детей BABY CARRIER. Переноска детей BABY CARRIER E. Preston Gee. Service Line Success: Eight Essential Все о Линукс Тэп Дэнс или Chechetka. Тэп - Денс - эстрадный, преимущественно Билайн Н. В. Прохорова. Амулеты и обереги в подарок John Knight, Lina Song. The Rural-Urban Divide: Economic Disparities Майкл Карвер. Битва под Эль-Аламейном. Поражение Тайны живой природы. Очередная книга из серии "Антология Путешествия Погода Н. П. Шабалов. Детские болезни. В 2 томах. Том Дюймовочка. Русалочка (аудиокнига MP3). Каталог софта Транслит
Москва, Москв, Чебоксары, Абакан, Ижевск, Железнодорожный, Москва, Ставрополь, Кисловодск, Комсомольск-на-Амуре, Петрозаводск, Рязань, Санкт-Петербург, Первоуральск, Братск, Новокуйбышевск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Красноярск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Брянск, Москва, Новошахтинск,
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