Guy Wanjialin

An International Dictionary of Accounting and Taxation : 12,000 + Entries on Accounting, Auditing & Taxation in the USA, Canada, UK & Australia

Book DescriptionA world without accounting means confusion and chaos. Accounting is not only used in the business world, but rather it is used by everyone in all types of situations. Tax touches every aspect of our lives. People are talking about...

Joe Martocchio

Strategic Compensation: A Human Resource, Third Edition

Book DescriptionThis book reflects the importance of employees as a key element of strategic compensation programs. In exploring the art of compensation and its role in promoting companies' competitive advantages, the author develops a solid...

Bernard C. Beaudreau

Making Markets and Making Money : Strategy and Monetary Exchange

Book DescriptionFirst studied by Swiss economist Jean-Charles Leonard Sismonde de Sismondi in 1819, Making Markets and Making Money: Strategy and Monetary Exchange examines the strategic aspects of monetary exchange--specifically, of...

Ed Templeton: The Golden Age of Neglect

Book DescriptionThere are teenage smokers and drinkers. There are those whose despondence reads clearly as they confront the camera with vacant eyes. This, quite simply put, is The Golden Age of Neglect --a classic example of Ed Templeton's...


Extra Spatial

Book DescriptionInternational design company IDEO is a leader in design, development, and technology innovation, creating interactive environments that span many disciplines and industries. Extra Spatial is the company's first survey of recent...

The Dawn of Photography: French Daguerreotypes, 1839-1855 (Аудиокнига)

Book DescriptionLouis Jacques Mand? Daguerre grabbed the attention of the world in 1839 with a new invention: the daguerreotype. These magically detailed, one-of-a-kind images on silver-plated sheets of copper were the first photographs shown...

Sally Gall


Book Description With each image, Sally Gall draws us deeper into the underworld existing in Mexico, Belize, Southeast Asia, the United States, and Europe, freezing in time the remarkable architecture of crumbling walls, stalactites and...

Nick Humphrey

The Making of the British Galleries at the V&A: A Study in Museology

Book DescriptionIn 2001, the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, opened its new British Galleries to huge international acclaim. The V&A is the model for decorative arts museums the world over, and these revolutionary, award-winning new galleries...

Stefan Sharff

The Art of Looking in Hitchcock's Rear Window

Amazon.comReaders who agree with Stefan Sharff that "the voyeuristic drive is an unavoidable part of watching a film," will find much food for thought in this book. Sharff contends that the hero of Rear Window , played by James Stewart, is...

Julian Barnard

Bach Flower Remedies Form & Function

Book Description"Today, disease and death control us ever more strongly with a litany of viruses, cancers, and heart disorders. The causes may be vaccinations, environmental poisons, despoliation of food, or pollution of the elements?earth,...

Joel Turnipseed

Baghdad Express: A Gulf War Memoir

Book DescriptionIn early summer of 1990, Joel Turnipseed was homeless?kicked out of his college's philosophy program, dumped by his girlfriend. He had been AWOL from his Marine Corps Reserve unit for more than three months, spending his days...

<<<  Г. В. Петрова, Е. Г. Гаврилова, И. И. Толмачева. Португальский ...             Молитвослов для новоначальных. В книге ... >>>

РБК Larry R. Collins, Thomas D. Schneid. Physical English 7 (2 аудиокассеты). Аудиоприложение к учебнику для 7 Апорт Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Ragnar E. Lofstedt, Gunnar Sjostedt. Rubinstein, Arthur. Grieg: Klavierkonzert op.16. Исполнитель: Lowell Mauer. Sams Teach Yourself More Visual Basic .NET in 21 Days В. Н. Шахович. Биология Гороскопы Александр Горбачев, Дмитрий Котлеев. Microsoft Windows Вести Почта.ру Корбина Е. И. Матвеева. Литературное чтение. 2 Mr. Benassi отдыхает! The Best Of... (mp3).
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