Дмитрий Черкасов

Операция "Вурдалак"

Новый остросюжетный триллер Дмитрия Черкасова приоткрывает завесу тайны над кровавыми интригами и заговорами чиновников Высшего аппарата власти. Секретные лаборатории, занимающиеся экспериментами над живыми людьми; этническое, психотропное и...

Клейтон Е. Крукс II

gmax: настольная книга (+ CD-ROM)

Все мечтали попасть внутрь компьютерной игры, узнать как она устроена, научиться ее менять и стать соавтором ее создания. Именно для этого вам и потребуется эта книга. Она написана как учебник для начинающего и построена по принципу от простого к...

Richard G. Schroeder, Jack M. Cathey, Myrtle Clark

Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis: Text Reading and Cases

Serves as an excellent review material for the financial portion of the CPA Exam. * Provides alternatives to current practice. * Evaluate conclusions reached by APB and FASB using readings and research documented at the end of each...

Stephen J. Turnovsky, Santanu Chatterjee, Michael K. Hendrickson

Workbook for Methods of Macroeconomic Dynamics - 2nd Edition

This workbook accompanies the second edition of Stephen Turnovsky's Methods of Macroeconomic Dynamics . New problems have been added to most of the chapters, particularly those that are new to the second edition of the book. In general, those...

William E. Schneider

The Reengineering Alternative: A Plan for Making Your Current Culture Work

Every business has its own particular kind of corporate culture. Before you sink a lot money, time, and effort into a reengineering project, do you know if your organization would benefit from such a program? The Reengineering Alternative explains...

Thomas E. Backer, Kirk B. O'Hara

Organizational Change and Drug-Free Workplaces

The organizational change approach that is required to achieve drug-free workplaces is the main subject of this book. Based upon findings from a three-year national research study, Backer and O'Hara examine what has already been done to combat drug...

Adrian A. Paradis

Opportunities in Transportation Careers

Opportunities in Series * MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERIES. With over 150 titles, students can explore virtually any job opportunity to their heart's content. * FULL CAREER DESCRIPTION. Tells students what each profession is all about and the various job...

Sensors and Transducers

In this book Ian Sinclair provides the practical knowhow required by technician engineers, systems designers and students. The focus is firmly on understanding the technologies and their different applications, not a mathematical approach. The...

Aiguo Lu, Manuel F. Montes, World Institute for Development Economics Research

Poverty, Income Distribution and Well-Being in Asia During the Transition

The Asian road to the market has generally been seen as a model of success and the object of widespread admiration. But even in countries experiencing sustained growth, there have been unmistakable signs of deep social strain. This book evaluates...

Takashi Negishi

Developments of International Trade Theory

Developments of International Trade Theory offers the life-long reflections of a distinguished Japanese scholar who pioneered the application of general equilibrium theory to international trade. Written in a style that makes it easily accessible to...

Arun Maira

Shaping the Future: Leadership through Communities of Aspiration in India and Beyond

As with any other emerging nation, India has the potential to become an economic powerhouse. But for decades, the country has been perceived as a huge but inapt state, facing severe economic and organizational challenges. Many problems curtail the...

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Рамблер С. Н. Косарев, В. А. Яметов, С. Н. Волгин, П. Л. Козлов. Руководство по эксплуатации, Гороскопы Вакансии Valerie Boyd. Wrapped in Rainbows : The Life of Zora Даниэль Пеннак. Камо. Идея века Discovery: Сценарий катастрофы: Крушение в Эшеде. За семь лет Г. С. Лебедева. Новейший комментарий к трактату Витрувия "Десять книг Лист
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