Джон Гришэм

Адвокат. Пора убивать

ПОЧЕМУ блистательный молодой юрист, которому уготовано великолепное будущее, внезапно становится защитником самых беззащитных? Неожиданный приступ альтруизма? Или - просто нормальное желание НАСТОЯЩЕГО АДВОКАТА разгадывать и...

Джек Лондон

Джек Лондон. Собрание сочинений в тринадцати томах. Том 9

Издание 1976 года. Сохранность хорошая. В 9-ый том вошли сборники рассказов: "Храм гордыни", "Рассказы Южных морей" и "Сын солнца". ...

Don Fredrick

What You Don't Know About Economics Can Hurt You

'What You Don't Know About Economics Can Hurt You" is an economic primer for the average American, who was never taught the basics in school and who is now, as a result, being robbed by the government while being told it is for his own good. An...

Arthur P. Brief

Attitudes in and Around Organizations (Foundations for Organizational Science)

How do the attitudes people bring with them to the workplace affect thoughts, feelings and actions in organizations? How are the attitudes of those outside an organization affected by the organization? This book provides a concise summary of what we...

B. Nooteboom, Bart Nooteboom

Learning and Innovation in Organizations and Economies

This book explores a range of theories used to explain the phenomenon of innovation and learning in individual thought, organizations, industries, and economies. The author draws on insights and perspectives from management and organization studies,...

Brent Filson

Executive Speeches: 51 CEOs Tell You How to Do Yours

If you want to lead well, you must communicate well; and communication doesn't happen unless the other person gets the point. To cultivate the art of ensuring that other people get the point on a consistent basis, cultivate the art of the speech....

Amy Delpo, Lisa Guerin, Janet Portman

Dealing With Problem Employees: A Legal Guide (Dealing With Problem Employees, 2nd Ed)

An employer's nightmare? Problem employees, of course. But in today's world, many business owners, supervisors and managers often want to work effectively with difficult employees rather than fire them -- and Dealing With Problem Employees shows...

David M. Fetterman

Foundations of Empowerment Evaluation

Employing both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, empowerment evaluation is the use of evaluation concepts, techniques, and findings to foster improvement and self-determination. David M. Fetterman explores its background and theory and...

Linda Honold

Developing Employees Who Love to Learn

Employees who embrace learning eagerly develop new skills, innovate creatively, and welcome change--the ingredients of success for any organization that wants to stay competitive and meet the challenges of the turbulent 21st century workplace....

Michael D. Ensley

Entrepreneurial Teams as Determinants of of New Venture Performance (Garland Studies in Entrepreneurship)

Using a multi-dimensional model of the author's own design, this study explores the effect of entrepreneurial team behavior on both organizational strategy and new venture performance. In line with recent research arguing that the entrepreneur may...

Per Jenster, Patricia Plackett, Henrik Stener Pedersen

Outsourcing--Insourcing : Can Vendors Make Money From the New Relationship Opportunities?

Outsourcing became fashionable in the late 1980s, came of age in the 1990s, and is now a normal part of corporate life. Written by well-known and respected business authors and incorporating new research from Copenhagen Business School, this book...

<<<  Полина Дашкова. Питомник. Том 1             Элен Каррер д'Анкосс. Евразийская империя >>>

Noble Drakoln. Futures for Small Speculators: Companion Guide В. Воскобойников. Жизнь замечательных детей. Книга 1 Проблемы системного анализа и управления. Научные исследования, William Miller. The Art of Spiritual Leadership Борис Толчинский. Боги выбирают сильных Emelia J. Hardy. The Adventures of Maureen & Maury: For М. Б. Ингерлейб. Путеводитель по дыхательным гимнастикам Stephen Gundle, Clino T. Castelli. The Glamour System Иоанна Фабицкая. Безумное лето Рудольфа Рейтинг Компьютерные новости QIP.ру КМ Самые лучшие русские сказки. В книгу вошли русские народные сказки для детей
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