Andrew Hughes Hallett, Peter McAdam, Andrew J. Hughes Hallett

Analyses in Macroeconomic Modelling (ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL ECONOMICS Volume 12)

Macroeconomic Modelling has undergone radical changes in the last few years. There has been considerable innovation in developing robust solution techniques for the new breed of increasingly complex models. Similarly there has been a growing...

Luis Suarez-Villa

Invention and the Rise of Technocapitalism

Technocapitalism, an emerging form of market capitalism, is rooted in invention and the development of new technologies. In this study of technocapitalism, author Luis Suarez-Villa explores the infrastructure that supports invention as well as the...

Brian McDermott

Leading Innovation: Creating Workplaces Where People Excel So Organizations Thrive

This book gives leaders solid advice for unleashing intellectual energy and making change something to value, not fear....

Grady Means, David Schneider

MetaCapitalism: The e-Business Revolution and the Design of 21st-Century Companies and Markets

Strategies to Realign?and Win?in Today?s E-Business Battlefield Traditional global industrial powers?built on a base of tremendous physical capital and manufacturing strength?must today face a stunning reality: the...

Blythe Camenson

Careers in Writing

Both first-time job hunters and those looking to change careers will benefit from exploring the rewarding paths outlined in Careers in Writing . Detailed overviews of a range of professions and expert advice covering the entire job-search...

Bartholomew B. J. Henderson

A Conflict of Interest: 'Fraud and the Collapse of Titans

This book is about exploring the rules of business beyond the 21st century and how these are bent and often broken, with devastating effect by individuals who have altered the traditional profile of fraud and the fraudster forever. It is a...

Marc Yor

On Exponential Functionals of Brownian Motion and Related Processes

This volume collects papers about the laws of geometric Brownian motions and their time-integrals, written by the author and coauthors between 1992 and 1994. These functionals play an important role in Mathematical Finance, as well as in...

Christopher Voss, Colin Armistead, Bob Johnston, Barbara Morris

Operations Management in Service Industries and the Public Sector: Text and Cases

Operations Management in Service Industries and the Public Sector Text and Cases Christopher Voss, School of Industrial and Business Studies, University of Warwick Colin Armistead, The European School of Management Studies, Oxford Bob Johnston,...

Thomas Keil

External Corporate Venturing: Strategic Renewal in Rapidly Changing Industries

Major players in the information and communication technology industries have used corporate venture capital, alliances, acquisitions, or spin-offs to achieve remarkable strategic self-renewal. Keil's succinct and readable account shows how. With...

Juliet B. Schor

The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don't Need

The Overspent American explores why so many of us feel materially dissatisfied, why we work staggeringly long hours and yet walk around with ever-present mental "wish lists" of things to buy or get, and why Americans save less than virtually...

Сергей Панков

Вещь в работе

Петербургский писатель Сергей Панков (род. в 1973 г.) обладает не только блестящим литературным языком, редкой эрудицией, но и является непревзойденным мастером интриги, что в очередной раз подтверждает его новая книга. Расследование...

<<<  Франсис Карко. Горестная история о Франсуа Вийоне             Элен Каррер д'Анкосс. Евразийская империя >>>

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