Александр Точка

Таймшер. Сертификат в страну дураков

Роман-разоблачение. Книга написана на основе реальных событий. Подлинное имя автора скрыто под псевдонимом Александр Точка. В сфере таймшера Александр Точка проработал более 5 лет и стал руководителем одной из крупных российских компаний. Эта...

Vladimer Papava

Necroeconomics : The Political Economy of Post-Communist Capitalism

Book Description"The author discusses the experience of Georgia following the collapse of the Soviet Union in a broad analytical and empirical framework. He displays a deep knowledge of post-Communist transition and provides an interesting analysis...

Stephen King

The Colorado Kid

On an island off the coast of Maine, a man is found dead. There's no identification on the body. Only the dogged work of a pair of local newspapermen and a graduate student in forensics turns up any clues, and it's more than a year before the man is...

Sicherheit gestalten: Designing Safety (Zeitschrift Form)

Book Descriptionform, Zeitschrift fur Gestaltung, erscheint zweisprachig in Deutsch und Englisch und gehort zu den fuhrenden Design-Magazinen in Europa. Sechsmal im Jahr berichten renommierte Fachautoren uber Themen und Trends...

Peter David

Hulk: Tempest Fugit

Book DescriptionHulk smash! Stalking across the depths of the ocean, dispatching everything from sharks to giant squids, comes the Hulk. As a long-buried episode from Bruce Banner's youth begins to surface with possible ramifications for the future,...

George MacDonald

The Princess and the Goblin (Princess Irene, 1)

Book DescriptionUnabridged Audiobook. 5 CDs - 5 hours, 19 minutes. Read by Ian Whitcomb. Young Princess Irene is sent to the country to be raised in a half farmhouse, half castle located in the side of a mountain. While exploring the top of the...

Letters from the Desert: The Correspondence of Flinders and Hilda Petrie

Book DescriptionFlinders Petrie began his long association with ancient Egypt and the Near East when he went to Giza to survey the pyramids in 1880. Until his death in Jerusalem in 1942 he continued to dig almost until the end. During his long...

Clarence Jonk

River Journey

Book DescriptionA small classic of travel writing and an indelible portrait of a young man coming of age during the Great Depression. In 1933, Clarence Jonk, full of youthful naivete and an urge for adventure, decided to build a...

D. J. Taylor

Orwell : The Life

Book Description At last, a fresh, comprehensive biography of the twentieth century's most emblematic writer In the last fifty years, Animal Farm and 1984 have sold over forty million copies, and "Orwellian" is now a byword...

Nicole Bailey Williams

Floating : A Novel

Book DescriptionFrom the gifted author of A Little Piece of Sky : The poignant tale of a young woman who must come to terms with her biracial identity. Shana Washington is the product of two very different worlds. Her white mother is a...

Molecular Mechanisms of Programmed Cell Death

Book DescriptionThis volume presents a current overview of key genes involved in the control of apoptosis research together with thoughts on future prospects and clinical applications. Top scientists from around the world wrote on current progresses...

<<<  George F. Luger. Computation and Intelligence: ...             Элен Каррер д'Анкосс. Евразийская империя >>>

Фото Александр Розенбаум. MP3 коллекция. Диск 1 (mp3). Общее время звучания Г. А. Мурашев. Титулы, чины, награды Поговори с ней. Хавьер Камара ("Дурное воспитание"), Дарио Грандинетти М. Б. Михайлов. Лечение болезней дыхательной Майкл Карвер. Битва под Эль-Аламейном. Поражение Вики Вячеслав Понамарев. Самоучитель JBuilder 6/7 Каталог софта Почта Christian N. Madu. Statistics As Easy As 1,2,3: With Microsoft Excel for Ливе Чарлз Барри Таунзенд. Самые невероятные головоломки Monika Zulauf. Migrant Women Professionals in the European Union Вести Рамблер Эдит Несбит. Пятеро детей и Чудище
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