Peter W Preston

Understanding Modern Japan: A Political Economy of Development, Culture and Global Power

This text provides a wide-ranging overview of the development experience of Japan within Pacific Asia and the wider global political system. P W Preston maps Japan's shift into the modern world through a series of breaks in which Japanese...

Callum Henderson

Currency Strategy: A Practitioner's Guide to Currency Trading, Hedging and Forecasting

John Maynard Keynes’ reference to the ‘animal spirits’, that elemental force which drives financial markets in herd-like fashion, was applied to the stock market. However, he might as well have been referring to the currency...

John Robert Dew

Managing in a Team Environment

Teams are the key to success in today's workplace. To function successfully within this environment, managers need to be familiar with a whole new set of team-oriented methods for leadership. This practical guide helps managers develop the necessary...

J. William Pfeiffer

The Encyclopedia of Team Activities Set, The Encyclopedia of Team-Development Activities, Volume 1 (Loose-Leaf Package) (605)

Designed for professional facilitation, each activity states its objective and is categorized according to its most probable use: Team effectiveness Values Feedback Role clarification Problem solving/decision making Team-member...

Chris Tull

Mastering Business Analysis With Crystal Reports (Wordware Applications Library)

Database management systems allow businesses to organize and manage their operations effectively. However, it?s not always easy to view and understand data using these systems. Crystal Reports? flexible and innovative features provide the...

June F. Kikuchi, Helen Simmons

Developing a Philosophy of Nursing

What is a philosophy of nursing? What is required for its development? How is it related to contemporary conceptualizations of nursing? Answers to these and other questions are pursued by leading nursing scholars in this important new book. ...

Robert W. Wendover

High Performance Hiring: Selecting the Best (Fifty-Minute Series.)

Recruit and hire for the best results. Legal issues explored....

Ross Cressman

Evolutionary Dynamics and Extensive Form Games (Economics Learning & Social Evolution)

Evolutionary game theory attempts to predict individual behavior (whether of humans or other species) when interactions between individuals are modeled as a noncooperative game. Most dynamic analyses of evolutionary games are based on their normal...

Amos Golan, George G. Judge, Douglas Miller

Maximum Entropy Econometrics: Robust Estimation with Limited Data

In the theory and practice of econometrics the model, the method and the data are all interdependent links in information recovery-estimation and inference. Seldom, however, are the economic and statistical models correctly specified, the data...

Barrington Moore

Moral Aspects of Economic Growth, and Other Essays (WILDER HOUSE SERIES IN POLITICS, HISTORY, AND CULTURE)

Barrington Moore, Jr., one of the most distinguished thinkers in critical theory and historical sociology, has long been concerned with the prospects for freedom and decency in industrial society. The product of decades of reflection on issues of...

James G. March

The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence

The Pursuit of Organizational Intelligence brings together the writing of one of the best-known academics in the field of decision making and organizational theory. It acts as a sequel to March's earlier Decisions and Organizations. The essays...

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Автомобильный портал С. В. Константинова. История мировой и отечественной Путешествия Ливе Корнелий Тацит. Корнелий Тацит. Сочинения в двух томах. Том Почта Harlan Linneus McCracken. Value Theory and Business Cycles А. А. Самойленко. География туризма Константин Цивилев. Лежебокой быть прикольно... Brian Hillier. The Economics of Asymmetric Information О компьютерах David Ingre. Engineering Communication: Сюзанна Брокманн. Притяжение ночи. Шаг в пропасть Джеймс Алан Гарднер. Отряд обреченных `Он всех простил...`. Император Николай II. Церковь о Царской Семье. `Он всех Рамблер Patricia Malone. Lady Ilena: Way of the Warrior Чарльз Диккенс. Посмертные записки Пиквикского клуба. Часть Christopher G. L. Hall. Steel Phoenix: The Fall and Rise of the U.S. Steel Валерий Воскобойников. Чудеса света
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