Sicco Van Gelder

Global Brand Strategy: Unlocking Brand Potential Across Countries, Cultures and Markets

Brand managers operating across cultures can find themselves facing a multitude of complex issues. Aiming to clarify this situation, Global Brand Strategy is the first book to provide a rigorous analytical framework that can be used comparatively...

Christopher Hayes

Certified Macromedia Flash MX Designer Study Guide

You know how to design with Macromedia Flash MX, you just don't know if you know enough to pass the Certified Macromedia Flash MX Designer exam. Rather than start from scratch with a tutorial that covers more than you need to know, get exactly...

Kris Jamsa

Jamsa's C/C++/C# Programmer's Bible

The most complete programmer's reference on the market now includes the new C# in the second edition! Written by best-selling author Kris Jamsa, this book is a must-have reference and guide for all professional programmers and for those who are...

Russell Pavlicek

Embracing Insanity: Open Source Software Development

In this book, you will learn where the Open Source movement comes from and what motivates its adherents. You will be introduced to the culture that fuels the movement, as well as the personalities and organizations that promote its growth. ...

Jens Dibbern

The Sourcing Of Application Software Services: Empirical Evidence Of Cultural, Industry And Functional Differences (Information Age Economy)

The field of Information Systems (IS) outsourcing has drawn considerable attention among scientists and practitioners for the past fifteen years. The present book analyses why organizations insource or outsource IS functions u specifically the...

Vivek Kale

Implementing SAP R/3: The Guide for Business and Technology Managers (Other Programming)

Implementing SAP R/3: The Guide for Business andTechnology Managers provides a framework and a complete plan that enables business and technical managers to take the optimal decisions that are necessary for the successful implementation of SAP...

Ingrown Toenails: A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, And Annotated Research Guide To Internet References

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Pulmonary Fibrosis - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Джулиан Барнс

Как все было

Перед вами "любовный треугольник" скромного банковского служащего, талантливого неудачника и средней руки художницы-реставратора... Современная лондонская "комедия нравов"?.. Вудхаус? Вуди Аллеи? Нет, Джулиан Варнс! Браки и...

Иван Полех


Империя рухнула… Но шпионские страсти остались. Правда, теперь рыцарей плаща и кинжала интересуют, прежде всего, промышленные секреты. Петербургский завод "Биосинтез" - лакомый кусочек не только для западных разведок, но и для отечественной мафии....

Гипсовые материалы и изделия (производство и применение). Справочник

Справочник содержит основные сведения о природном гипсовом сырье и попутных продуктах промышленности, содержащих сульфаты кальция (гипсосодержащие отходы); продуктах дегидратации двуводного сульфата кальция; классификации гипсовых вяжущих и их...

<<<  Ромен Роллан. Ромен Роллан. Собрание сочинений ...             Элен Каррер д'Анкосс. Евразийская империя >>>

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