Andrew Leigh

DRAMATIC Success at Work : Using Theatre Skills to Improve Your Performance and Transform Your Business Life

Book DescriptionNow anyone in business can become a star performer with this practical and entertaining guide to the tools and techniques of the performing arts that can dramatically improve workplace performance....

Tony Elger

Assembling Work: Remaking Factory Regimes in Japanese Multinationals in Britain

Book DescriptionJapanese manufacturing firms established in Britain have often been portrayed as carriers of Japanese corporate best practice for work and employment. In this book, the authors challenge these views through case study research,...

Sara Douglass

Gods' Concubine : Troy Game #2 (The Troy Game)

Book Description From ancient Greece they came, remnants of the glorious Trojans. Led by Brutus, Kingman, holder of the bands of gold that wield the very magic of the Gods, these travelers are bowed but not broken, and they have come to Albion...

Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular, Cellular and Clinical Immunology (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology)

Book DescriptionIn the field of immunology, type 1 diabetes has become one of the major areas of investigation with studies that span from characterization of key molecules to trials for the prevention of the disease. Type 1 Diabetes : Molecular,...

Teresa L. Reed

The Holy Profane: Religion In Black Popular Music

Book DescriptionThe Holy Profane explores the strong presence of religion in the secular music of twentieth-century African American artists as diverse as Rosetta Tharpe, Sam Cooke, Stevie Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Earth, Wind & Fire, and Tupac Shakur....

Stephen M. Hart

A Companion to Latin American Film (Monografias A)

Book DescriptionLatin-American cinema has seen major developments in the past half-century, to a level where some of the most exciting work in contemporary film now originates there - most recently Amores perros, referred to as Love's a Bitch (2001)...

Christine Harris

Undercover Girl #1: Secrets : Secrets (Undercover Girl)

Book Description Jesse Sharpe is no ordinary kid. She's an orphan, a genius, and a secret agent. Jesse has been assigned by C2--the mysterious organization that raised her and taught her to be a spy--to protect another girl from a kidnap...

Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Stroke

Book DescriptionMagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) provides non-invasive information about the brain's blood flow, water movement and biochemical abnormalities following stroke. Advances in MRI are transforming the investigation and treatment of...

John Stanley, Irving Tripp

Little Lulu Volume 1: My Dinner With Lulu

Whether she's weaving hilarious, sprawling tales while babysitting the terrible tot Alvin, keeping her chubby chum Tubby and his clubhouse cronies in line, or making nice with the friendly ghost she catches reading "People Stories" in herbedroom,...

Joel LaRusic

Start & Run A Landscaping Business (Start & Run a)

* Make a living with your own landscaping business * Work in the great outdoors * Be your own boss * Make money all year round, wherever you live...

О. А. Энговатова

500 советов секретарю

XXI в. - век профессионализма. Ценится и высоко оплачивается только труд работников, безупречно знающих свое дело. В полной мере это относится к секретарям (секретарям-референтам). Получить специальность в учебном заведении - это только начало пути...

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Рейтинг Слова и предложения. Тетрадь дошкольника по Почта.ру Исаак Башевис Зингер. Раскаявшийся Давид Сурдо, Анхел Гутьеррес. Последний секрет плащаницы Демидов Ю. Н.. Проблемы борьбы с преступностью в социально-бюджетной Футбол Рамблер А. И. Кизлюк. Справочник по устройству и ремонту телефонных
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