Андрей Дементьев

Нет женщин нелюбимых

Сборник поэта А.Дементьева "Нет женщин нелюбимых" - юбилейный. В этом году ему исполнилось 75 лет. Всенародно любимый, он всегда остается верен себе: та же обнаженность и искренность, но теперь еще умноженная мудростью прожитых лет. Доверительный...

Джеймс Бибби

Ронан-варвар. Спасение Ронана

Поклонники Асприна! Поклонники Говарда! Вы можете поверить в существование фэнтези, являющей собой "гремучий коктейль" из приключений Конана-варвара и озорного "асприновского" юмора! Нет? Значит, вы попросту еще не читали роман...

А. Д. Гетманова


Учебник ориентирован на преподавание логики в педагогических учебных заведениях. Поэтому в него включена оригинальная глава по методике преподавания логики в высших учебных и средних педагогических учебных заведениях (университетах, вузах, училищах,...

Martin Kaplan

What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know : A CPA Reveals the Tricks of the Trade (What the IRS Doesn't Want You to Know)

With tax laws constantly changing and existing regulations hidden in volumes of tax code, nothing related to taxes is easy to figure out. Businesses and individuals in every income bracket need expert advice that cuts through the IRS bureaucracy and...

Robert B. Hickey, Robert Hickey

Electrical Engineer's Portable Handbook

The first edition of this title proved the most successful of the Portable Handbook series launched in 1999. Aimed at electrical engineers and technicians working in building power systems, the relentlessly practical Handbook succeeded as an in the...

Anantha Kumar Duraiappah

Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development (Economy & Environment, ?27)

Computational Models in the Economics of Environment and Development provides a step-by-step guide in designing, developing, and solving non-linear environment-development models. It accomplishes this by focusing on applied models, using real...

Malcolm Waters

Globalization (Key Ideas)

The constraints of geography are shrinking and the world is becoming a single place. Globalization and the global society are increasingly occupying the center of sociological debates. Widely discussed by journalists and a key goal for many...

Benjamin Gilad

Early Warning: Using Competitive Intelligence to Anticipate Market Shifts, Control Risk, and Create Powerful Strategies

Surprise is rarely a good thing in business. Unexpected developments range in their effects from inconvenient to disastrous. To avoid being blindsided, companies must develop a Competitive Early Warning system, or CEW, which combines strategic...

Les Abromovitz

Protecting and Rebuilding Your Retirement: Everything You Need to Do to Secure Your Financial Future

For many people, retirement planning feels much like driving in unfamiliar territory, unsure of whether they're going in the right direction -- or if they'll ever even reach their destination. Between taxes, job loss, stock market reversals, and...

Elizabeth Kowaleski-Wallace

Consuming Subjects

Consuming Subjects is an insightful exploration of the origin of the modern idea of women as shoppers. Kowaleski-Wallace considers the origins of current ideas about women and consumerism to call into question the "natural" link between women...

Carol Gestwicki

The Essentials of Early Education

This book is designed to be the ideal motivational tool for beginning teachers entering the field of early childhood education. The most comprehensive and challenging text available, Essentials of Early Education encourages students to be active...

<<<  Джон Коттер, Холгер Ратгебер. Наш айсберг тает. Как добиться ...             Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : Books 1 & 2 >>>

Компьютерные новости Patrick Kelly. Faster Company : Building О. С. Габриелян, Н. Н. Рунов. Химический эксперимент в школе. Автомобильный портал Mark Pett. Lucky Cow Рамблер Э. Л. Джиттлман. Супердиета. Полный курс очищения организма Топ POLLINI BP ABBADO. SCHUMANN:PNO CTO. Исполнитель: POLLINI
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