Эдмон и Жюль де Гонкур

Эдмон и Жюль де Гонкур. Дневник. В двух томах. Том 2

Издание 1964 года. Без суперобложки. Сохранность удовлетворительная. "Дневник" братьев Гонкуров - явление примечательное. Уже давно он завоевал репутацию интереснейшего документального памятника эпохи и талантливого литературного произведения....

Russel M. Kern

S.U.R.E.-Fire Direct Response Marketing : Managing Business-to-Business Sales Leads for Bottom-Line Success

S.U.R.E.-Fire Direct Response Advertising delivers a proven, effective program for boosting business-to-business direct advertising response rates and converting sales leads into a steady stream of revenue. Readers are guided through the...

Чак Паланик


Книга о молодом мошеннике, который каждодневно разыгрывает в дорогих ресторанах приступы удушья - и зарабатывает на этом неплохие деньги... Книга о сексоголиках, алкоголиках и шмоткаголиках. О любви, дружбе и философии. О сомнительном "втором...

Frederick Stirton Weaver

Latin America in the World Economy: Mercantile Colonialism to Global Capitalism

Latin America in the World Economy considers the dual aspect of Latin American development: how external factors (phases of world capitalism since Columbus) interweave with internal factors (Latin American culture, politics, and social groups)....

Pfeiffer & Company

Addressing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace, The Promotion Activity (Sexual Harrasment Series)

This complete program gives you the tools to discuss sexual harassment and help every organizational member recognize it, respond appropriately, and prevent it from happening. The trainer's package includes: a trainer's guide, 3 experiential...

Mamchul Shin

Creating Business Value With Information Technology: Challenges and Solutions

Addressing questions raised by managers and researchers over the last decade on the business value of information technology (IT), this book provides business professionals with a more precise rationale for making IT investments by detailing how...

Derek Crabtree, A.P. Thirlwall

Keynes and the Role of the State: The Tenth Keynes Seminar Held at the University of Kent at Canterbury, 1991 (Keynes Seminars)

This volume contains the proceedings of the Tenth Keynes Seminar held by Keynes College at the University of Kent at Canterbury in 1991. The purpose of the seminars is to examine for the student and the layman, as well as for the professional...

Charles A. Schuler, Jesse Dunlap, Katherine A. Schuler

ISO 9000: Manufacturing, Software, & Service

This book serves as an ideal, non-quantitative introduction to ISO 9000 standards for middle managers and supervisors....

Jim Kramon

Smart Business for Contractors: A Guide to Money and the Law (For Pros, by Pros)

Aimed at single contractors and small businesses, Smart Business for Contractors gives readers reliable information on bidding and pricing and offers field-tested ways to handle legal matters that arise during this process. It includes chapters on...

Pradeep Tapadiya

COM+ Programming: A Practical Guide Using Visual C++ and ATL (With CD-ROM)

*Maximizing COM/COM+ software reusability and scalability: practical solutions! *Developing robust enterprise COM+ applications: Proven guidelines and sample code *In-depth coverage: IDL interface design, COM+ synchronization, transactions,...

John K. Nessel

Restaurant Operators Complete Guide to QuickBooks

The Restaurant Operators Complete Guide to QuickBooks is a step-by step guide to the most popular accounting software program. It includes industry specific chapters on recording daily sales and deposits from POS reports, recording labor expenses...

<<<  В. А. Канке. Философия науки. Краткий энциклопедический словарь             Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : Books 1 & 2 >>>

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