Wetfeet Staff

The Wetfeet Insider Guide to Careers in Marketing and Market Research

Book DescriptionIf your creative genius is matched by your analytical acumen, you may find that marketing makes for a worthy challenge and an exciting career. The uninitiated may mistakenly equate marketing with peddling household products, but...

William A. Raabe

Federal Tax Research (with RIA Checkpoint and Turbo Tax Business)

Book Description This market-leading tax research text takes a practical, hands-on approach that goes beyond a random sampling of tax research sources. Fully updated, Federal Tax Research extensively covers computer-oriented research tools...

Джон Бойд

Опылители Эдема

Настоящее издание представляет два известных романа Джона Бойда "Последний звездолет Земли" и "Опылители Эдема". Это философские притчи, корни которых уходят в мифологию. За чисто фантастическим антуражем писатель скрывает самые наболевшие...

Design Innovations Yearbook 2003

Book DescriptionPresenting one of the most significant and exciting international product design competitions, the red dot award, the Design Innovations Yearbook 2003 is one of the most important trend barometers of contemporary design. Every year...

Marty Noble

Mehndi Designs CD-ROM and Book (Electronic Clip Art)

Book Description The 166 intricate and exotic permission-free patterns in this set allow artists, designers, and hobbyists to add a trendy edge to their next project. Choose from fine line, lacy, and paisley motifs, detailed images of exotic...

Robin Williams

Non-Designer's Type Book, The (2nd Edition) (Non-Designer's)

Book DescriptionSeven years is a long time in any industry, but when it comes to the worlds of design and technology (and particularly the point at which the two merge), it's an eternity! No wonder, then, that you (and about a million other...

Constance Lewallen

Everything Matters: Paul Kos, a Retrospective

Book DescriptionBorn in 1942, Paul Kos has been a highly influential artist in the Bay Area for well over three decades. In the late 60s and early 70s he was one of the major figures on the early conceptual art scene, notable especially for his...

William Duckworth

Virtual Music: How the web got wired for Sound

Book Description· Must-reading for all interested in the world of web-based music · Highlights diverse artists from John Cage to Moby to Scanner · Includes unique CD sampler highlighting the composers and works discussed in the book ...

Linda Aber

Barbie Mystery #5 (Barbie Mysteries)

Book Description Barbie and her friend Kira are receiving mysterious letters in the mail. They're love letters, and they're over 50 years old. But no one knows what happened to the person who sent them or the woman he sent them to. It's up to...

Charles D. Rodenbough

Governor Alexander Martin: Biography of a North Carolina Revolutionary War Statesman

Book DescriptionGovernor Alexander Martin of North Carolina was one of the most important figures in the colonial and early state history of North Carolina. A 1756 graduate of Princeton, he was the first president of the Board of Trustees of the...

David A. Carter

Birthday Bugs : A Pop-up Party by David A. Carter

Book Description It's time to celebrate with the Birthday bugs -- and there's a different one popping out of each of the bright birthday presents that you'll find inside. Plus there's a removable, wearable party hat so you can be a Party bug too!...

<<<  Александр Рибенек. Избранник поневоле             Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : Books 1 & 2 >>>

Гогле Погода Paul Bodine. Great Application Essays for Business School Яхо VARIOUS ARTISTS. LONG WAY ROUND. Исполнитель: Корбина Shigeo Shingo. Zero Quality Control: Source Inspection and the Почти беременна. Таня Робертс ("Женские игры"), Мой мир Sidney M. Levy. Build, Operate, Transfer: Paving the Way for Tomorrow's Фронт без линии фронта. Настоящее издание было выпущено в связи Счетчик Олимпия. Джейсон Эндрюс ("Студия 54"), Ночной десант 1-6, 2005. Проекты "просвет Фантазия. Необычайный, поражающий воображение мультконцерт, Ханума. Людмила Макарова ("Ослиная шкура"), Владислав Стржельчик Мик Фаррен. Нейрокошмар Александр Кородецкий. Зеленая аптека Кородецкого
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