Edwin A. Locke

The Essence of Leadership: The Four Keys to Leading Successfully

Examines the style and methods of corporate giants....

Talking Business: Making Communication Work

Internal communication is a growing field with the number of specialists increasing worldwide. In spite of this, and vast increases in spending on communication, research shows that organizations are finding it difficult to raise the number of...

Phil Carpenter

eBrands: Building an Internet Business at Breakneck Speed

Essential Strategies for Building Powerful eBrands. At the turn of the millennium, myriad companies have filled the Web with more than 800 million pages of content. Overwhelmed by choice and starved for time, customers are casting their...

Don Silver

The Generation X Money Book: Achieving Security and Independence

The 40 million Gen X?ers born between 1965 and 1976 will encounter dramatically new definitions of jobs, work and career, not to mention retirement plans. They may face seven to ten jobs and up to five different careers. Gen X?ers want...

Менандр, Герод

Менандр. Комедии. Герод. Мимиамбы

Первую часть сборника составляют следующие произведения крупнейшего древнегреческого драматурга, одного из создателей новоаттической комедии, - Менандра: "Брюзга", "Третейский суд", "Отрезанная коса", "Семиянка". Во вторую часть входят мимиамбы...

Brian Harvey

Computer Science Logo Style 2/e, Vol. 2: Advanced Techniques

"In the world of theatre `Harvey' is a large, white rabbit who happens to be invisible. Elementary computer science's `Harvey' is more like a tiger - clever, colorful, powerful, and, thanks to this revised edition of a classic set of texts, very...

Harold Davis, Joe Merlino, Kate Wrightson

Red Hat Linux 9 (Visual QuickPro Guide)

You may just be figuring out what programmers and die-hard open-source fans have known for years: You're not a slave to Windows! There is an alternative: Red Hat Linux! With its Gnome desktop and GUI, Red Hat Linux 9 now represents a real OS option...

James E. Katz, Ronald E. Rice

Social Consequences of Internet Use: Access, Involvement, and Interaction

Drawing on nationally representative telephone surveys conducted from 1995 to 2000, James Katz and Ronald Rice offer a rich and nuanced picture of Internet use in America. Using quantitative data, as well as case studies of Web sites, they explore...

Abdominal Bloating - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Re

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Ron K.C. Cheng

Inside Rhinoceros 3

A balanced presentation combining theory, concepts, and tutorials is at the heart of this introduction to 3D computer modeling that is written to the latest version of Rhinoceros, Release 3. Special emphasis is given to understanding theoretical...

Книга женской мудрости. 3577 советов для красоты и здоровья

Эта книга для тех, кто хочет всегда иметь под рукой настоящую Энциклопедию Здоровья, Быта, Успеха, Общения и всего-всего, что может понадобиться ежеминутно, ежечасно, ежедневно. Очень важно, что советами и рекомендациями - проверенными,...

<<<  Nicholas Brown. Richard Downing: Economic, Advocacy, and Social ...             Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : Books 1 & 2 >>>

Каталог софта Jonathan M., M.D. Berkowitz. Asthma: Relax, You're Not Going to Die Квартира. Джек Леммон ("В джазе только девушки", Коран. В двух томах. Том 1. Издание представляет МСН Reverend Bill Blunden. Offshoring IT: The Good, the Bad, and О компьютерах Лист Верхом на пуле. Джонатан Джексон ("Бессонница"), Мегафон Почта Яхо Евг. Евтушенко. Евг. Евтушенко. Собрание сочинений в трех В. И. Цветков. Космос. Полная энциклопедия Titus Lucretius Carus. Lucretius: On the Nature ДМОЗ Bruce Johnson. It's a Fine Line: The Art of Bruce В. А. Светлицкий. Механика стержней. В двух томах. Том 1. Статика Виртуальные открытки Военная энциклопедiя. В 18 томах. Том 11. Энциклопедия представляет
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