Ronald Dore

Stock Market Capitalism: Welfare Capitalism : Japan and Germany Versus the Anglo-Saxons (Japan Business & Economics S.)

Ronald Dore places recent developments in Japan in the broad context of gradual changes in modern patterns of capitalism common to all industrial societies--a process that he labels marketization plus financialization. His central focus is on the...

Clive W.J. Granger, Timo Terasvirta

Modelling Nonlinear Economic Relationships (Advanced Texts in Econometrics)

This volume in the series Advanced Texts in Econometrics explains recent theoretical developments in the econometric modelling of relationships between different statistical series. Clive Granger and Timo Terasvirta illustrate ways of using dynamic,...

Todd Sandler, Keith Hartley

The Economics of Defense (Cambridge Surveys of Economic Literature)

Defense economics examines both peace and defense issues, using such macroeconomic and microeconomic tools as growth theory, static optimization, dynamic optimization, comparative statics, game theory and econometrics. This book provides an...

Jeremy Edwards, Julian Franks, Colin Mayer, Stephen Schaefer

Recent Developments in Corporate Finance

Over the past decade there have been a number of significant developments in financial economics, and major contributions have been made both by individuals who could be classified as conventional financial economists and by others who do not fit...

Charles J. Jacobus, John P. Wiedemer

Keeping Current With Texas Real Estate, McE 2003

This well-known and popular MCE title is completely updated by the authors to include coverage contracts and the newest figures from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. You can rely on Jacobus and Wiedemer, two of the most respected Texas real estate...

Lois A. Vitt

Encyclopedia of Retirement and Finance : Two Volumes]

This is the only encyclopedia that focuses solely on the financial issues associated with aging. Written by experts in a variety of fields, entries include gerontology and finance terms and concepts, policies and programs, the needs and problems of...

Alice Sturgis

The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, 4th Edition

Already the acclaimed choice of thousands of successful organizations including the American Library Association, the Fourth Edition features an all-new chapter that considers the ways the Internet and other state-of-the-art technologies have...

Payne Consulting Group, Payne Consulting Group Inc.

Microsoft Word 2000 for Law Firms (Miscellaneous)

This comprehensive guide wont waste your time with features irrelevant to the legal community. It provides industry- specific information about Word 2000 to help you operate effectively and efficiently in your legal environment. The new features and...

Chris Thornton

Truth from Trash: How Learning Makes Sense (Complex Adaptive Systems)

This study of learning in autonomous agents offers a bracing intellectual adventure. Chris Thornton makes the compelling claim that learning is not a passive discovery operation but an active process involving creativity on the part of the learner....

Bart De Decker, Frank Piessens, Jan Smits, Els Van Herreweghen, Els Van Herreweghen

Advances in Network and Distributed Systems Security

The more our society relies on electronic forms of communication, the more the security of these communication networks is essential for its well-functioning. As a consequence, research on methods and techniques to improve network security is...

Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates

Head First EJB (Brain-Friendly Study Guides)

What do Ford Financial, IBM, and Victoria's Secret have in common? Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB). As the industry standard for platform-independent reusable business components, EJB has just become Sun Microsystem's latest developer certification....

<<<  Владислав Пирогов. Программирование на Visual C++ ...             Nancy Krulik. Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo : Books 1 & 2 >>>

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