Juan Diaz Canales

Blacksad, Vol. 1: Un Lugar Entre las Sombras

Book DescriptionNow Blacksad reaches America with its incredible combination of hard-boiled and hard-shelled anthropomorphosized murder. When a famous actress is found murdered in her home, it touches the man who had not seen her since their bitter...

Katherine Mansfield

In a German Pension

Book Description In a German Pension is a remarkable collection of short stories, displaying all Katherine Mansfield’s skill in the genre. Foreword by Linda Grant. Written shortly after the author visited Germany as a young woman,...

lan Feldman

Rendezvous in Majorca

Book DescriptionRendezvous in Majorca - ISBN 0-9743673-6-2 - a new Hard Cover by author Ian Feldman is a main stream spy thriller. This second novel by the author of spy intrigue and suspense is loaded with historical controversy merged into...

Ray Gonzalez

No Boundaries: Prose Poems by 24 American Poets

"As more poets write prose poems, one of the most common reasons they give for turning to them is that their fluent composition offers a 'freedom of expression' lined poetry often restricts. To many, this sounds like a contradiction stemming from...

Michael Havey

Essential Business Process Modeling

Book DescriptionTen years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar applications helped track the flow of work from person to person within an organization. Workflow in today's enterprise means more monitoring and orchestrating massive systems....

Scott Von Doviak

Hick Flicks: The Rise and Fall of Redneck Cinema

Book DescriptionWhile the pimps and players of blaxploitation movies dominated inner-city theaters, good old boys with muscle under their hoods and moonshine in their trunks roared onto drive-in screens throughout rural America. The popularity of...

Lam Thi My Da

Green Rice : Poems by Lam Thi My Da

Book Description When Edward Hirsch reprinted Da's "Garden Fragrance" and "Night Harvest." (from Six Vietnamese Poets ) in his column in The Washington Post , he gave special praise to the simultaneous clarity and complexity of Da's...

Current Topics in Bone Biology

Book DescriptionThis book covers a wide spectrum of areas related to basic bone research. While bone remodeling, bone development, and osteoclast biology constitute the main contents, topics important to the understanding of bone metabolism and...

В. Е. Селезнев, В. В. Алешин, Г. С. Клишин

Методы и технологии численного моделирования газопроводных систем

В монографии описываются методы и технологии численного моделирования газопроводных систем для комплексного анализа их фактического состояния, высокоточной оптимизации режимов их функционирования и своевременного предупреждения аварийных ситуаций....

Лариса Ягункова

Сергей Герасимов и Тамара Макарова

Тамара Макарова и Сергей Герасимов прошли рука об руку полувековой путь в искусстве. Их первые фильмы покоряли свежестью, чистотой, яркостью жизненных наблюдений. Поистине любимицей народной стала Тамара Макарова, сыграв в фильмах Сергея Герасимова...

Paul W. Farris, Neil T. Bendle, Phillip E. Pfeifer, David J. Reibstein

Marketing Metrics : 50+ Metrics Every Executive Should Master

Marketers now recognize the importance of metrics, but few understand the breadth, depth, or power of the metrics now available to them. In Marketing Metrics, four leading researchers and consultants systematically introduce today’s most valuable...

<<<  М. Брагин, И. Брагина. Как побеждать любого противника: сенсационное ...             Ирина Шведова. Клоун и все остальные >>>

Bruce Balfour. The Digital Dead Примерные билеты и ответы по литературе для подготовки Виктор Миловидов. Самоучитель английского Лилия Кудинова. Модная прическа за 10 минут Julia Townsend. Zeynep: The Seagull of Galata Работа Toyota. Двигатели 3C-Е, 3C-T, 3С-ТЕ. Устройство, техническое обслуживание Ralph Waldo Emerson. The Collected Works of Ralph Waldo Emerson, Volume VI : Путешествия Elisabeth Kll. From Cotton Mill to Business Empire : The Emergence of Чат Болдинский монастырь. Из архива архитектора-реставратора Поиск работы
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