Richard Whiteley

The Corporate Shaman: A Business Fable

Shaman -- a Siberian word for "one who sees in the dark" -- refers to healers who for over 40,000 years have entered an altered state of mind at will and journeyed to other worlds, using the power, wisdom, and energies of those worlds to...

Alvin J. Goldman, Jacques Rojot

Negotiation: Theory and Practice

This course book is designed for upper-level undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. Most books on negotiation target either a non-academic audience or teachers in a specific discipline. This book targets an academic audience without...

William C. Wood

Getting a Grip on Your Money: A Plain & Simple Christian Guide to Managing Personal Finances, Eliminating Debt, Spending, Saving & Giving, Investing for the Future

You don't need an accounting degree to get a grip on your finances! Most people give up on money management for the same reason they quit dieting-it's just too hard to manage all the details, so they forget it altogether. But handling your...

Martha Lampland

The Object of Labor: Commodification in Socialist Hungary

Did socialist policies leave the economies of Eastern Europe unprepared for current privatization efforts? Under communist rule, were rural villages truly left untouched by capitalism? In this historical ethnography of rural Hungary, Martha...

Richard A. Grusin

Culture, Technology, and the Creation of America's National Parks (CAMBRIDGE STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITERATURE AND CULTURE)

Richard Grusin's innovative study investigates how the establishment of national parks contributed to the development of American national identity after the Civil War. Although parks are seen as an uncomplicated means of environmental preservation,...

Donald Peter Cushman, Sarah Sanderson King

Communicating Organizational Change: A Management Perspective (Suny Series in International Management)

This book is a practical and theoretical discussion of how to effectively communicate organizational change to management, employees, stockholders, and customers. Rapid and volatile organizational change is one of the most profound...

Qimao Zhang

Microsoft Project Server 2002

Here's the expert, hands-on guidance that administrators and users need to fully exploit the collaborative capabilities in Microsoft Project Server 2002. The book uses easy-to-follow instructions to walk you through the steps for evaluation,...

Francis Olivo

Olivofonics: Small Business Management and Philosophy for Beginners

Small business management is nothing more than philosophies. It covers business ethics, business reality, marketing philosophies, logic, and much more. As individuals, the only thing that we own is our beliefs. If you believe something to be...

Marc J. Epstein, John Y. Lee, Kay M. Poston

Advances in Management Accounting, Volume 7

Hardbound. This volume offers a collection of papers that further our understanding of the broad uses of management accounting information. Papers presented reflect the diverse applications that the discipline has observed in recent years with...

В. Н. Семенцова, В. И. Сивоглазов

Тетрадь для оценки качества знаний по биологии. 7 класс. Животные

Тетрадь включает проверочные задания по большой теме курса "Биология. 7 класс. Многообразие живых организмов" - "Царство Животные". Учебное пособие можно использовать не только в процессе изучения разделов школьной программы, но и при...

Lynda Weinman, Craig Newman

After Effects 5.0/5.5 Hands-On Training

Adobe After Effects gives Web developers and designers the tools to create sophisticated motion graphics and effects, but tools are worthless without expert guidance. If you work with After Effects--or would like to--you can now turn to one of...

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Поиск работы В. Ф. Отто, Э. Т. А. Гофман, Э. А. По, Ги де Мопассан, Г. Погода Виртуальные открытки Чат Российская газета Ливе SHANIA TWAIN. DOUBLE. Исполнитель: SHANIA TWAIN Альбом: DOUBLE Производитель: Погода Новости
Петропавловск-Камчатский, Киров, Копейск, Якутск, Нижневартовск, Орёл, Новосибирск, Одинцово, Кисловодск, Хабаровск, Владимир, Октябрьский, Энгельс, Братск, Великие Луки, Черкесск, Тамбов, Якутск, Южно-Сахалинск, Березники, Электросталь, Рязань, Уссурийск, Саратов, Октябрьский, Муром, Жуковский, Муром, Новокузнецк,
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