Steven J. Brams, Alan D. Taylor

Fair Division: From Cake-Cutting to Dispute Resolution

Fair Division, unlike most research on fairness in the social sciences and mathematics, is devoted solely to the analysis of constructive procedures for actually dividing things up and resolving disputes, including indivisible items or issues, such...

Shirley Porter, Keith Porter, Christine Bennett, Keith J. Porter

Me, Myself, and I, Inc: 10 Steps to Career Independence

Innovative and inspiring MMI, Inc. system developed by the author and used in training courses nationwide...

Martin Griffiths, Terry O'Callaghan

International Relations: The Key Concepts (Key Concepts)

Featuring 150 entries, International Relations: Key Concepts is the essential guide for anyone interested in international affairs. Comprehensive and up-to-date, it introduces the most important themes in international relations, with an emphasis on...

Robert D. Edwards, John Magee, W. H. C. Bassetti

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition

Technical Analysis of Stock Trends, 8th Edition, is a critical reference for investors--especially in today's tumultuous markets. This seminal book--the first to produce a methodology for interpreting and profiting from the predictable...

Stephen J. Carroll, Allan F. Abrahamse

The Effects of a Choice Automobile Insurance Plan on Insurance Cost and Compensation: An Updated Analysis

This book updates an earlier study in which the authors estimated the effects of a choice automobile insurance plan on the costs of compensating auto accident victims in which the no-fault option was absolute no-fault (ANF). In their current...

Karl E. Wiegers

Software Requirements, Second Edition

Learn proven, real-world techniques for managing the software requirements engineering process. This award-winning book has been expanded with new topics, including use cases, up-to-date tools, more field examples, and a new troubleshooting guide....

Jay Beale, Caswell

Snort 2.1 Intrusion Detection, Second Edition

Called "the leader in the Snort IDS book arms race" by Richard Bejtlich, top Amazon reviewer, this brand-new edition of the best-selling Snort book covers all the latest features of a major upgrade to the product and includes a bonus DVD with Snort...

Carl Young

Adobe Acrobat 6.0: Getting Professional Results from Your PDFs

Harness the full power of Acrobat 6 Professional’s many features Create functional PDFs using the must-have PDF-creation tool, Acrobat 6 Professional. With guidance from Adobe Certified Expert Carl Young, you’ll tackle all...

Erik Rubin, Ronnie Yates

Microsoft .NET Compact Framework Kick Start

The primary goal of .NET Compact Framework is to bring the familiar experience of developing .NET applications for the desktop to the device world. Of the approximately six million Microsoft desktop developers in the world, it is estimated that...

Han-Way Huang

PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing

This book presents a thorough introduction to the Microchip PIC® microcontroller family, including all of the PIC programming and interfacing for all the peripheral functions. A step-by-step approach to PIC assembly language programming is...

John R. Levine, Carol Baroudi, Margaret Levine Young

The Internet for Dummies Starter Kit Edition (with CD-ROM)

Covering the latest tools and techniques to get you up and running on the Internet in no time, The Internet For Dummies , 7th Edition Starter Kit delivers plain-English explanations describing how to go online. The seventh edition of this...

<<<  Атлас автомобильных дорог России. Дальний Восток. Республика Саха (Якутия). ...             Ирина Шведова. Клоун и все остальные >>>

Марк Тедески. Искусство владения оружием. Практическое руководство Joan Didion. We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live: Collected Nonfiction H. Albert Napier, Philip J. Judd, Susan Lehner, Программы John Von Neumann, Paul M. Churchland, Patricia Smith Churchland. The Транслит Корнелий Тацит. Корнелий Тацит. Сочинения в двух томах. Том Александр Медведев. Налоговый адвокат вне закона (аудиокнига Яхо О. В. Узорова, Е. А. Нефедова. Русский Шапошников Л.Е.. История русской религиозной философии Яхо
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