Peggy Brown

Mana's Child : Adventure, Magic and Love in Old Hawaii

Born under an omen of great mana, Puna's childhood was plagued with strange dreams and visions. Soon after her secret was discovered, a powerful enemy struck her with a crippling mental disability. To save herself, Puna committed murder. Now on the...

Lords of Swords

Featuring thirteen heroic fantasy stories by popular and critically acclaimed writers, this anthology offers a fascinating and unique roster of contributors who provide gripping tales that run the gamut of fantasy themes and settings. Providing...

Gordon Strachan

Chartres: Sacred Geometry, Sacred Space

Book DescriptionIn this ground-breaking new work, Gordon Strachan explores the magnificent structure of Chartres Cathedral and its influences on the medieval master builders. Using Chartres as a starting point, Dr. Strachan shows how the origins of...

Elizabeth Wilhide

Flooring: The Essential Source Book for Planning, Selecting And Restoring Floors

Few other features can coordinate or define interior spaces as well as a carefully chosen floor. Elizabeth Wilhide offers a rich fund of inspiration and sound advice for all floors in your home--modern or period, urban or rural, sumptuous or simple....

Luxury Hotels: Beach Resorts

Book DescriptionDistinguished by masterly architecture and exemplary interior design, the beach hotels introduced in the pages of this lavishly illustrated coffee-table book are the ultimate refuge for those needing respite from their hectic lives...

Joan Wylie Hall

Conversations With Audre Lorde (Literary Conversations Series)

Book DescriptionAudre Lorde (1934-92), the author of eleven books of poetry, described herself as a "Black feminist lesbian poet warrior mother," but she added that this phrase was inadequate in capturing her full identity. The interviews in this...

Stephen Marche

Raymond and Hannah (Harvest Original)

Book Description This boldly contemporary love story combines sex and seriousness, physical lust and spiritual longing. Raymond and Hannah hook up at a party; a one-night stand expands into a weeklong passionate and surprisingly deep love...

Gervase Phinn

Up and Down in the Dales

Book DescriptionLife for the Yorkshire Dales school inspector is about to become not unlike the rambling hills of the Dales themselves-up and down and all over the place. After a routine school inspection culminates with a teacher being forced into...

Stan Brakhage: Filmmaker (Wide Angle Books)

Book DescriptionStan Brakhage: Filmmaker is a collection of essays, photographs, personal statements, and reminiscences about the celebrated avant-garde filmmaker who died in 2003. The director of nearly four hundred short films, including Dog Star...

George R. Mills

A View from the Bench: The Story of an Ordinary Player on a Big-Time Football Team (Sport and Society)

Book DescriptionRecruited for his combination of size and speed, George Mills had the potential to become an outstanding college football player--but it never happened. A View from the Bench reveals the reality behind the glamour of college...

Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security

Book DescriptionThis comprehensive encyclopedia provides easy access to information on all aspects of cryptography and security. With an A–Z format of over 460 entries, 100+ international experts provide an accessible reference for those...

<<<  А. В. Зырянов. Великобритания: взгляд из ...             Ирина Шведова. Клоун и все остальные >>>

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