Practicing E-government: A Global Perspective

Book DescriptionPracticing E-Government: A Global Perspective presents a variety of chapters covering many of the important topics in e-government, and is intended to elicit comments, raise concerns and open dialogue as e-government programs for...

Denise Evans

HT Make Money on Foreclosures

Book Description"The key to making money in real estate is finding motivated sellers. Financial trouble is the single biggest motivator, with home foreclosures now are at a 10-year high. The key to making money in foreclosures is understanding your...

Henry Spencer

Dibujo tecnico

Book Description This thorough text can be utilized in the classroom or for self-instruction to learn the basics of technical drawing. Useful in the fields of architecture, engineering, industrial design, and graphic arts, this manual covers...

Anne Sinai

Reach for the Top: The Turbulent Life of Laurence Harvey : The Turbulent Life of Laurence Harvey (Filmmakers Series)

Book DescriptionThis first-ever, personal account of one of film's most controversial stars, clears up the many myths and misconceptions about his life, disclosing for the first time his real name. Packed with personal anecdotes, 23 black and white...

Teri Sloat

This Is the House That Was Tidy and Neat

Book Description This is the house At the end of the street That was tidy and neat When Mom left . . . A delicious romp that starts with a mouse, and ends with a . . . mess! This is the...

Josiah Bartlett Lambert

If the Workers Took a Notion: The Right to Strike and American Political Development

Book DescriptionOnce a fundamental civic right, strikes are now constrained and contested. In an unusual and thought-provoking history, Josiah Bartlett Lambert shows how the ability to strike was transformed from a fundamental right that made the...

George O. Carney

The Sounds of People and Places: A Geography of American Music from Country to Classical and Blues to Bop

Book DescriptionThe new edition of this popular anthology covers an array of American music genres that is broader than ever, including country, jazz, blues, rock, pop, opera, rap, classical, and American Indian. With a completely new set of...

Panos Karnezis

The Maze

Book Description In the summer of 1922, after a series of decisive defeats at the hands of the Turks, the Greek army is in retreat from Asia Minor. Thousands of soldiers sweep toward the Mediterranean coast, leaving behind their dead, their...

Рабочая тетрадь по анализу текста. 9 класс

Данное пособие представляет собой рабочую тетрадь по анализу текста, содержание которой соответствует школьной программе по русскому языку для 9 класса. В тетрадь включены задания по всем разделам науки о языке, а также творческие задания,...

Карлос Кастанеда

Карлос Кастанеда. В 6 томах. Том 4. Огонь изнутри. Сила безмолвия

"Огонь изнутри" - полный переворот в восприятии учения дона Хуана. Кастанеда вспоминает, сдвигая свою точку сборки в те же состояния повышенного осознания, в каких проходило его обучение. Он обретает свою целостность. Мы снова встречаемся с доном...

Редактор В. Г. Вишняков

Сравнительный анализ конституций государств-участников СНГ

В настоящем пособии дается сравнительный анализ конституций государств-участников Содружества Независимых Государств (СНГ). Сравнительное исследование этих высших по юридической силе нормативных правовых актов, принятых за годы развития...

<<<  Лубянка. Органы ВЧК-ОГПУ-НКВД-НКГБ-МГБ-МВД-КГБ. 1917-1991. ...             Дмитрий Черкасов. Операция "Вурдалак" >>>

Премия. Евгений Леонов ("Большая перемена"), Под редакцией В. П. Камышанского, Н. М. Коршунова, В. И. Иванова. Гражданское Christine Avery, Diane Zabel. The Flexible Workplace: Топ майл.ру Joyce Roletto Faulknor. Stunning Crystal & Glass: The Watercolorist's Guide Внук Гагарина. Андрей Панин ("Бригада"), Геннадий Richard A. Bernabe. South Carolina Wonder and Light (Wonder and Light Снежная Королева. Новогодняя музыкальная сказка. Новости Мэн Кэм Ло. Полицейское кунг-фу. Опыт спецназа Национальной Валентин Катаев. Валентин Катаев. Собрание сочинений Работа Михаил Лежепеков. Учимся не болеть
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