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Philippe Baumard, Samantha Wauchope Tacit Knowledge in Organizations
`Philippe Baumard has observed that strategic success seems to lie more in top managers' ability to use tacit knowledge than in their gaining or updating explicit knowledge' - William H Starbuck, New York University ...
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Joni Wilson The 3-Dimensional Voice: A Fun & Easy Method of Voice (The Wilson Voice Series)
The 3-Dimensional Voice is an easy to read instruction manual for the Human Voice written with wit and wisdom for EVERYBODY who owns one! It is packed full of simple solutions to the voice problems that challange us eveyday. You'll learn to turn a...
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Michael Michalko Cracking Creativity: The Secrets of Creative Genius
What exactly is creativity? Why do some people seem to have so much of it? Can their secrets be learned? In this trail-blazing book, internationally renowned business creativity expert Michael Michalko answers these questions and more, bringing...
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Steven Ludsin Roadkill on the Information Highway
The book describes the venal behavior of federal employees determined to stop a government contractor from making a million dollar commission by selling distressed government assets held by the US Small Business Administration and committing...
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Patrick James Bruneteau Etude sur Les Chasseurs de Tetes et l'Executive Search en France en 1998
French Language Edition. This Research Report is about choosing and using a headhunter to recruit executives in France. The first chapters present two surveys : the first one was conducted with 132 managers and HRM's of companies or groups; the...
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Thomas Grammig Technical Knowledge and Development: Observing Aid Projects and Processes (Routledge Studies in Development and Society)
Development and aid projects often fail to improve technological capacity. Their reform has been a widely acknowledged challenge for three decades. This book demonstrates theoretically and empirically how aid practitioners shape the organizational,...
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William O. Foster We've All Been Suckered
A veteran of over thirty years tells us how we've all been suckered. We put all of our faith, our savings and our retirement funds with the politicians, CEOs, media and advisors, and they walked away with all of the welfare and happiness, leaving us...
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Michael J. Polonsky, David S. Waller, Sage Publications Inc Designing and Managing a Research Project: A Business Student's Guide
?The authors did an excellent job of addressing many of the ?real world? issues in conducting a business research project. They have given care to address some of the issues that often represent the major stumbling blocks for...
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Jose Allouche, Gerard Pogorel, Jose Allouch Technology Management and Corporate Strategies
Hardbound. State-of-the-art statements in technology-related issues of business policy are presented in this volume. All aspects of technology policy which managers have to cope with are covered, including: R&D management, technological developments...
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Jim Pooler Why We Shop : Emotional Rewards and Retail Strategies
Shopping is one of the most challenging and rewarding human activities. Pooler offers a captivating exploration of the emotional and psychological dimensions of shopping. What drives shoppers in various situations? Why do we shop...
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Kathy C. Yohalem Thinking Out of the Box : How to Market Your Company Into the Future
Praise for Thinking Out of the Box "Kathy C. Yohalem has 'been there; done that.' She has looked into the future with the eye of an experienced business person, and this book helps define for all of us new and enlightening approaches in...
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Домой Джордж Сорос. Мыльный пузырь американского превосходства. На что следует
Русское радио
Добровольцы. Леонид Быков ("Максим Перепелица",
Я познаю мир: Тайны литературы. В истории литературы не
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Е. Г. Жулина, Н. А. Иванова. Европейские системы оплаты труда
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Руслан Теодорович. Настольная книга поставщика
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Дискотека СССР. Часть 3 (mp3). Альбомы, вошедшие
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Н. И. Павленко. Александр Данилович Меншиков
Darcy May. Glitter Ballerinas Stickers
М. С. Девянина. Windows XP (+CD-ROM)
Глазов, Королёв, Чита, Димитровград, Волгодонск, Чита, Брянск, Новокуйбышевск,
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