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Managing Transnational Firms
Hardbound. In this volume, Bartlett and Ghoshal examine the transnational firm, its development and future. Ending their chapter is a debate about the future of international management research involving several individual scholars including Julian...
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Adam Leitzes, Joshua Solan Bulls, Bears and Brains: Investing with the Best and Brightest of the Financial Internet
Praise for Bulls, Bears, & Brains "Online investing is more than cheap stock trades and real-time quotes. As Bulls, Bears, and Brains uncovers, it’s about connecting with the Web?s knowledge network of expert analysts and savvy...
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Roger W. Babson The Future Method of Investing Money: Economic Facts for Corporations and Investors
This is said to be the frankest and briefest explanation of the ?inside? of the investment business ever published. An important chapter is devoted to showing when to buy. Mr. Babson believes that to know this is more important than to...
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Derick W. Brinkerhoff, Benjamin Crosby Managing Policy Reform: Concepts and Tools for Decision-Makers in Developing and Transitioning Countries
Managing Policy Reform offers concepts and tools to navigate the "how" of policy change, in order to enhance democratic governance. The authors base their book on experience in more than 40 countries, from regional to national and local levels,...
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Gaurav Chadha, S. M. Nafay Kumail E-Learning : An Expression of the Knowledge Economy
An Expression of the Knowledge Economy Gaurav Chadha and S. M. Nafay Kumail E-Learning presents "out-of-the-classroom" lessons on Webbased learning, providing a realistic and flexible framework for developing cost-effective online programs with both...
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Edie Milligan, Jamie Sutton The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Mortages
Quick facts on everything from a first loan to a strategic refinance. This helpful guide reveals everything home owners and soon-to-be homeowners need to know in order to get the best deal. Coverage includes: ? Determining how...
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Gail Lyons Real Estate Sales Handbook, 10E
This 10th edition has been updated to reflect trends in the industry, including real estate as an investment, computer technology, and expanding your services beyond residential sales. An indispensable guide!...
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Noah Wardrip-Fruin, Pat Harrigan First Person : New Media as Story, Performance, and Game
Electronic games have established a huge international market, significantly outselling non-digital games; people spend more money on The Sims than on "Monopoly" or even on "Magic: the Gathering." Yet it is widely believed that the market for...
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C. A. Bowers Let Them Eat Data: How Computers Affect Education, Cultural Diversity, and the Prospects of Ecological Sustainability
Do computers foster cultural diversity? Ecological sustainability? In our age of high-tech euphoria we seem content to leave tough questions like these to the experts. That dangerous inclination is at the heart of this important examination of the...
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Sybex Inc., Sybex Inc. Visual Basic .NET Complete
Whether you are a student or an experienced programmer who wants to learn the new version of Visual Basic, this is the book for you: 1,000 pages of in-depth content for only $19.99 U.S.! You get coverage of the new development environment, basic...
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Microsoft Windows XP Professional Resource Kit Documentation
Roll out, support, and optimize Microsoft's next-generation operating system with expertise from those who know the technology best-the Windows XP product development team. This powerhouse guide is the all-in-one reference that computer-support...
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Домой РБК
Группа Стаса Намина "Цветы". Летний вечер. Подарочное издание упаковано
С. А. Кочнева, Н. Д. Леванова, Н. Н. Полушкина.
Клайд Кей Мейбен Клакхон. Зеркало для человека. Введение
Дарья Орлова. Игрушки, которые в 1000 раз полезнее, умнее, интереснее, чем
Литература. Практикум. Учебное пособие знакомит
Бодуэн Дешарне, Люк Нефонтен. Символ
Юлия Юзик. Невесты Аллаха. Лица и судьбы всех женщин-шахидок, взорвавшихся
Shawn T. Smith. Surviving Aggressive People: Practical Violence
Все о Линукс
Русское радио
Компьютерные новости
Из рук в руки
Brett Sheehan. Trust in Troubled Times: Money, Banks, and
David H. Guston, Kenneth Keniston. The Fragile Contract:
Валентин Пикуль. Тайный советник. Исторические миниатюры.
Екатеринбург, Смоленск, Архангельск, Ноябрьск, Абакан, Сургут, Казань, Артём, Петрозаводск, Сыктывкар, Пятигорск, Нижневартовск, Великие Луки, Орск, Одинцово, Норильск, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Елец, Армавир,
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