Ivan Vartanian

Graphiscape - New York City (Graphiscape)

Book DescriptionThis extraordinary book is your guide to the graphic blood that flows in the visual arteries of New York. Graffiti, posters, neon lighting, street art, colour schemes, perspectives and forms are just some of the graphic elements...

Kathleen Riley

Nigel Hawthorne on Stage

Book Description Presenting a fresh look at postwar theater, this study of the late Sir Nigel Hawthorne’s 50-year career in the theater focuses on the personal journey of one of Britain’s finest actors. Providing detailed analysis of...

Gijs van Hensbergen

Gaudi : A Biography

Amazon.comThe sinuous forms and lavish decorations of Antonio Gaudi (1852-1926) broke the mold in architecture. "His imagination burnt holes through the musty pattern books," writes Gijs van Hensbergen. "His gift was an amazing capacity to...

Writing War: Medieval Literary Responses to Warfare

Book DescriptionWar is a powerful and enduring literary topos, a repeated theme in both secular and religious literary genres of the middle ages. The idea and practice of war is central to some of the most dominant subject matters in the medieval...

Gini Graham Phd Scott

Do You Look Like Your Dog?

Book DescriptionDOES YOUR AUNT MARTHA LOOK LIKE HER COCKER SPANIEL? Is your next-door neighbor the spitting image of his rottweiler? Does your spouse wear spotted pajamas to more closely identify with your dalmatian? We all know...

Judy Chicago

Kitty City : A Feline Book of Hours

Book Description You may think you know Judy Chicago -- but it's time to take another look. Kitty City is a celebration of Chicago's life with these delightfully independent creatures. With a lavish design that evokes a contemporary version...

И. С. Тургенев

И. С. Тургенев. Собрание сочинений в шести томах. Том 4

Четвертый том составили повести и рассказы: "Андрей Колосов", "Дневник лишнего человека", "Затишье", "Фауст", "Ася", "Первая любовь" и другие....

Gary Alan Wassner

The Awakening (Gemquest, Book 2) (Gemquest)

Locked in ongoing combat with those who have gathered to protect the Twins and aid in their quest, the dark wizard, Colton, continues his destructive attacks. While Colton attempts to eradicate the mystical Elven tree city of Seramour, its Queen...

Eric Vreedenburgh

Rooftop Architecture: Building On An Elevated Surface

Book DescriptionFor Westerners, there is a distinct cachet attached to living on a rooftop. Maybe its attraction lies in the openness of the space, or in being just that much higher than most, or in the feeling of standing in an open oasis,...

John Frederick Schroeder

Life and Times of Washington

Book DescriptionRevised, Enlarged, And Enriched: And With A Special Introduction By Edward C. Towne.Download DescriptionBy John Frederick Schroeder and Benson John Lossing....

Arthur J. Amchan

Killed In Action: The Life And Times Of Sp4 Stephen H. Warner, Draftee, Journalist And Anti-war Activist

Book DescriptionKilled In Action is a historical account of the Vietnam Era told through the life of SP4 Stephen H. Warner, an anti-war activist who was drafted in 1969 after finishing his first year at Yale Law School. After induction into the...

<<<  Смеси сухие строительные. Классификация. ГОСТ 31189-2003. Введен в действие ...             Juan Diaz Canales. Blacksad, Vol. 1: Un Lugar Entre ... >>>

Bill C. Coats. Aloe Vera the New Millennium: Клайне-Гунк Б.. Справочник покупателя. Фитоэстрогены: "чудо-таблетка" Лист Вероника Тушнова. Сердце чище родника Поиск мета МТС Елена Яковлева. Что сказал скелет? Чат Нигма
Курск, Якутск, Владивосток, Миасс, Ижевск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Северск, Ковров, Невинномысск, Барнаул, Комсомольск-на-Амуре,
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