Charles Spinosa, Fernando Flores, Hubert L. Dreyfus

Disclosing New Worlds: Entrepreneurship, Democratic Action, and the Cultivation of Solidarity

"A brave attempt to reformulate the relationship between democratic rights and economic progress in an age when the triumphalism of technological advance masks an unconfident vision of the future." -- Peter Aspden, Financial Times ...

Raymond L. Gorden

Basic Interviewing Skills

Interviewing skills are not simple motor skills. Rather, they involve a high-order combination of observation, empathic sensitivity, and intellectual judgment. This guidebook, now available from Waveland Press, provides a process model and a...

Joan Vaughn, Jason R. Rich, Jason Rich


This essential guide provides comprehensive information for readers looking to launch a career in one of today?s most exciting fields. The second edition features the facts prospective webmasters need to know including understanding the range...

James A. Gross, Gross James

Workers' Rights As Human Rights

Until recently, the international human rights movement and nongovernmental organizations, human rights scholars, and even labor organizations and advocates have given little attention to worker rights as human rights. James A. Gross finds, however,...

Michael Sheimo, Andreas Loizou, Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers

International Encyclopedia of the Stock Market

For the first time, the stock market is treated as a worldwide phenomenon. Terms that are part of the vocabulary of the international stock market, as well as terms specific to particular countries, are all thoroughly and extensively defined to make...

Freerk A. Lootsma

Fuzzy Logic for Planning and Decision Making (Applied Optimization, Vol. 8)

This book starts with the basic concepts of Fuzzy Logic: the membership function, the intersection and the union of fuzzy sets, fuzzy numbers, and the extension principle underlying the algorithmic operations. Several chapters are devoted to...

Ellen Phillips

Shocked, Appalled, and Dismayed! How to Write Letters of Complaint That Get Results

How to get the best of shoddy shops, crooked car-dealerships, and heartless HMOs--without having to hire an attorney. The Miss Manners of the consumer kvetch shows readers how to go postal, with complaint letters designed to melt the...


Market Led Strategic Change

The third edition of Market-Led Strategic Change builds on the massive success of the previous two editions, popular with lecturers and students alike, presenting an innovative approach to solving an old problem: making marketing happen! ...


Sudan Country Study Guide

Geography, history, people, language, culture, traditions, economy, government, politics, constitution, places to visit, info for travelers......

Андрей Платонов

Волшебное кольцо

В книгу вошли избранные рассказы и сказки А.Платонова, вошедшие в школьную программу. Герои Платонова деятельно добры, в них живет обостренное чувство Родины и любовь к семье, к конкретному человеку. ...

Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel

C++ How to Program (4th Edition)

With nearly 250,000 sold, Harvey and Paul Deitel's C++ How to Program is the world's best-selling introduction to C++ programming. Now, this classic has been thoroughly updated! The authors have given this edition a general tune-up of...

<<<  Сертификация при ввозе/вывозе товаров. Таможенный альманах, №2, 2002. ...             Juan Diaz Canales. Blacksad, Vol. 1: Un Lugar Entre ... >>>

James Clifford, C. J. van Rijsbergen. Formal Статистика Корбина Борис Пастернак. Люди и положения О. А. Макарова. Корпоративное право Корбина Компьютерные новости Работа Ливе Набор цветных флуоресцентных карандашей, 4 штуки. В дополнение к различным Охота на работодателя (DVD-BOX). Компания "Новый Диск" И. Е. Горина. ТСЖ. Как организовать и РБК Почта Яхо Борис Савинков. Воспоминания террориста Виртуальные открытки Лента Мигель де Сервантес Сааведра. Дон Кихот. В двух частях. Часть 2 Анри Труайя. Александр III Ж.-Ж. Вильнав. Клеевые соединения Elizabeth C. Axford. Song Sheets to Software: Ildar Bedretdinov. The Su-25 Attack Aircraft and Its Derivatives
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