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Bob Ryan, Robert W. Scapens, Michael Theobold Research Method and Methodology in Finance and Accounting Описание:
Research is an ever-increasing vital feature of academic accounting and finance, but few researchers are ever offered guidance on the research process.Research Method & Methodology in Finance & Accounting is the only book of its kind as it focuses...
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Bruce L. Gardner American Agriculture in the Twentieth Century: How It Flourished and What It Cost Описание:
American agriculture in the twentieth century has given the world one of its great success stories, a paradigm of productivity and plenty. Yet the story has its dark side, from the plight of the Okies in the 1930s to the farm crisis of the 1980s to...
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Price M. Cobbs, Judith L. Turnock Cracking the Corporate Code: The Revealing Success Stories of 32 African-American Executives Описание:
Foreword by Steve Reinemund, CEO, PepsiCo Despite decades of social progress and legal reform, minorities still face obstacles on the path to success, both internal and external, from cultural insensitivity to outright prejudice, from isolation...
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Padma Desai Financial Crisis, Contagion, and Containment: From Asia to Argentina Описание:
This book provides a sweeping, up-to-date, and boldly critical account of the financial crises that rocked East Asia and other parts of the world beginning with the collapse of the Thai baht in 1997. Retracing the story of Asia's "Crisis...
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Ben S. Bernanke, Julio Rotemberg NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1997 Описание:
The goals of the annual NBER Macroeconomics Conference are to present, extend, and apply frontier work in macroeconomics and to stimulate work by macroeconomists in policy issues. Each paper in the Annual is followed by comments and discussion. ...
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Bob Reiss, Jeffrey L. Cruikshank, Howard H. Stevenson Low Risk, High Reward: Practical Prescriptions for Starting and Growing Your Business Описание:
Through every step in his process, Reiss emphasizes how risk can be anticipated, managed, and significantly reduced....
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Ian Steedman Consumption Takes Time: Implications for Economic Theory (Graz Schumpeter Lectures, 4) Описание:
Standard economic theory of consumer behaviour considers consumers' preferences, their incomes and commodity prices to be the determinants of consumption. However, consumption takes time and no consumer has more - or less - than 168 hours per week....
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Peter S. Cohan Value Leadership : The 7 Principles that Drive Corporate Value in Any Economy Описание:
In Value Leadership, renowned management and investment expert Peter Cohan — whose 2002 stock picks gained 81percent when the S&P 500 plunged 24 percent— provides a new and powerful concept of sustainable corporate value. Using...
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Robert P. Vitale, Joe Giglierano, Rob Vitale, Joseph J. Giglierano Business to Business Marketing: Analysis and Practice in a Dynamic Environment Описание:
Designed to prepare upper-level undergraduate and graduate business students for work in the exciting field of marketing, this text focuses on the basic principles of business marketing. Enlivened by interesting scenarios involving actual...
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Pamela L. Alreck, Robert B. Settle The Survey Research Handbook Описание:
Survey research is a very powerful way to acquire information focused directly and immediately on the decisions and problems of today and tomorrow. The second edition of The Survey Research Handbook provides the methods and guidelines for conducting...
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Robert Irwin Find It, Buy It, Fix It, 2E : The Insider's Guide to Fixer Uppers (Find It, Buy It, Fix It) Описание:
Looking for a cost cffective way to join the real estate boom? Although it's not for everyone, for those willing to accept the challenges of fixer uppers, buying and fixing up less than prime properties can be one of the most...
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Домой В. В. Цыганов, С. Н. Бухарин. Информационные войны в бизнесе
Атлас автодорог Украины. Центр. Атлас составлен на основе топографических
На гребне волны.... 01. Вступление 02. Риф Пеахи
Поиск работы
Davis Dyer, David B. Sicilia. Labors of a Modern
Российская газета
Майк Пресс, Рэйчел Купер. Власть дизайна. Ключ к сердцу потребителя
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Серпухов, Москва, Кострома, Назрань, Казань, Смоленск, Волжский, Барнаул, Хасавюрт, Краснодар, Рязань, Черкесск, Воронеж, Копейск, Серпухов, Новокуйбышевск, и др.
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