Joel G. Siegel

International Encyclopedia of Technical Analysis

Investors are firmly entrenched in two camps: those who believe that economic and financial fundamentals are the keys to investment success, and those who prefer some form or other of technical analysis. To serve those who use technical analysis,...

George Roth, Art Kleiner

El lado humano del cambio

El lado humano del cambio: La innovacion y el aprendizaje organizacional, ofrece la oportunidad unica de ver la innovacion de dentro hacia fuera. Es decir, esta obra utiliza un formato imaginativo para conformar y narrar la historia...

Mike E. Miles, Gayle Berens, Marc A. Weiss

Real Estate Development: Principles and Process

Learn how the real estate development process works with the new edition of this best-selling book. Widely used by developers, planners, architects, investors, and other players on the development team, this book provides the most practical and...

Stanley B. Lippman

Inside the C++ Object Model

Bestselling author Stanley B. Lippman's Inside the C++ Model provides valuable insight into some of the internal workings of the C++ language. This book is a product of a decade of research at Bell Labs (where Lippman worked with C++ inventor...

Michael Mortenson

Mathematics for Computer Graphics Applications: An Introduction to the Mathematics and Geometry of Cad/Cam, Geometric Modeling, Scientific Visualization, and Other Cg Applications

This completely revised Second Edition of "Computer Graphics" introduces the mathematics that is the foundation of many of today's most advanced computer graphics applications, including CAD/CAM and geometric modeling. It features thoroughly updated...

Thomas J. Smedinghoff, Andrew R., Jr Basile, Geoffrey G. Gilbert, Lorijean C. Oei, Peter J. Strand, Ruth Hill Bro, Elizabeth S. Perdue, Jonathan E. Strouse, Larry M. Zanger

Online Law: The Spa's Legal Guide to Doing Business on the Internet

Written for the layperson but extensively annotated for the experienced lawyer, this book provides clear guidance through the rapidly developing law of electronic commerce. Issues covered in detail include (but are by no means limited to): ...

Glen J. Coulthard, Sarah Hutchinson Clifford

Microsoft Office Access 2003 (Advantage Series)

The Advantage Series presents the Feature-Method-Practice approach to computer software applications to today's technology and business students. This series implements an efficient and effective learning model, which enhances critical thinking...

Susanne K. Schmidt, Raymund Werle

Coordinating Technology: Studies in the International Standardization of Telecommunications (Inside Technology)

Few modern technologies are designed to stand alone. Because most machines must now fit into systems and be compatible with other technologies, the creation of standards has become a fundamental element of design and engineering. Conflicts such as...

Allopurinol - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Reference

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Glenn Walter

Word Pocket Guide

If you've ever wanted a quick answer to a nagging Word question or had the thought that there must be a better way, then the new edition of Word Pocket Guide is just what you need. Newly updated for Word 2003, this compact book covers...

Mark Pilgrim

Dive Into Python

Python is a new and innovative scripting language. It is set to replace Perl as the programming language of choice for shell scripters, and for serious application developers who want a feature-rich, yet simple language to deploy their products. ...

<<<  Стихира. Издание выпущено, предположительно, в 1913 году. ...             Антология русского советского рассказа (20-е ... >>>

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Обнинск, Братск, Москва, Стерлитамак, Бийск, Энгельс, Владикавказ, Саранск, Люберцы, Томск, Ленинск-Кузнецкий, Самара, Новокузнецк, Новотроицк, Балашиха, Киселёвск, Салават, Новотроицк, Прокопьевск, Нижний Тагил, Таганрог, Санкт-Петербург, Ковров, Ухта, Первоуральск,
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