
Издание выпущено, предположительно, в 1913 году. Титульный лист отсутствует. Владельческий переплет, кожаный корешок с золотым тиснением. Сохранность раритета хорошая. Книга содержит факсимиле рукописей церковных служб и молитв: Молитвы на...

Мейв Бинчи

Уроки итальянского

Ирландская писательница Мэйв Бинчи популярна не только у себя на родине, но и во всем мире. Она - автор нескольких пьес, сборников рассказов и более десятка романов. Ее книги неизменно становились бестселлерами и не раз получали престижные...

Гарри Гаррисон

Крыса из нержавеющей стали

Издание 1992 года. Сохранность хорошая. В сборник включены первые четыре произведения, "Крыса из нержавеющей стали"....

Kathy Kristof

Taming the Tuition Tiger: Getting the Money to Graduate--with 529 Plans, Scholarships, Financial Aid, and More

Whether it's college and graduate school or nursery and private school, the costs of education are a major challenge to families. This practical and reassuring guide presents the facts, tools, and strategies for saving, investing, and managing taxes...

Michael V. Brandes

Naked Guide to Bonds: What You Need to Know--Stripped Down to the Bare Essentials

"A delightful instruction to the wonderful world of bonds for the non-professional investor, written in terms that you could explain to your mother-in-law; or that she could explain to you!" ?Paul McCulley Managing Director and...

Rick Blunt

Knowledge Management in the New Economy

The new strategy for Knowledge Management in the New Economy....

Career Solutions Training Group, Humphrey

Quick Skills: Managing Change: Learner Guide

This book enhances the reader's opportunity for career success by targeting fundamental skills. Managing Change will provide foundations for effectively handling the unpleasantness of change.Covering topics such as resistance to change, the politics...

Kathleen de la Pena McCook, Kathleen de la Pena

Opportunities in Library and Information Science Careers

Opportunities In Library and Information Science Careers offers job seekers essential information about a variety of careers within the field of information science and includes training and education requirements, salary statistics, and...

Paul Wehman

Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers With Disabilities

Supported Employment in Business: Expanding the Capacity of Workers with Disabilities is a definitive reference book that covers all the cutting edge issues of supported employment. The book?s practical yet comprehensive approach provides a...

Werner Ulrich

Critical Heuristics of Social Planning : A New Approach to Practical Philosophy

Critical Heuristics of Social Planning has been recognised as the seminal work on critical systems thinking. Ulrich offers a new approach both to practical philosophy (which has until now remained rather unpractical) and to systems thinking (which...

Michael Maren

Road to Hell: The Ravaging Effects of Foreign Aid and International Charity

Current Affairs...

<<<  Мартина Киттлер. Молочные напитки             Антология русского советского рассказа (20-е ... >>>

Почта Почта Kenneth L. Marshall. They Called Me Kenny Гогле С. Симонович, В. Мураховский, Г. Евсеев. Популярный самоучитель работы на компьютере. Чингиз Абдуллаев. День луны Ножницы кухонные "Atlantis", 20 см. Германская компания Atlantis была основана Chris Wilson. Facing Southwest: The Life and Houses of Jon Gaw Meem Ryan McGinness. Sonic Order Of Happiness Гравюра "Снежный барс". Набор для творчества. Наташа Колесникова. Страсти в сентябре Reginald B. Cherry. Heart (Gods Path to Почта Central Banking in Eastern Europe (Routledge International Studies in Money Футбол Рамблер М. И. Пыляев. Старый Петербург Статистика Автомобильный портал Яндекс А. К. Толстой. Князь Серебряный
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