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Bruce D. Fisher, Michael J. Phillips The Legal, Ethical, and Regulatory Environment of Business With Infotrac
This highly effective text has chapters arranged in seven functional modules to emphasize how legal topics relate to business functions like marketing, finance, human resources, accounting, and manufacturing. Streamlined for easy readability, the...
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Dimitris N. Chorafas Management Risk: The Bottleneck Is at the Top of the Bottle
The author outlines the reasons why management risk must be examined within the perspective of each company's business challenges. He suggests there is a synergy between shareholder value and business ethics. He also underlines the importance...
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Colin Alexander Streetsmart Guide to Timing the Stock Market: When to Buy, Sell and Sell Short
Most investors have been led to believe that stock market behavior is random and cannot be timed. Nothing could be further from the truth! Futures markets have been successfully timed by traders since the mid 1800s, and today's stock markets exhibit...
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R. J. Shook Online Trader's Dictionary: The Most Up-to-Date and Authoritative Compendium of Financial Terms
When it comes to investing-or every day life-nothing has changed the rules as much as technology. For anyone interested in investing, business, the Internet, or technology in general, the Online Trader's Dictionary is the perfect resource. As the...
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Jeffrey F. Beatty, Susan S. Samuelson Business Law and the Legal Environment for a New Century, Alternate Edition
No other text conveys such a passion for this exciting and profoundly important discipline. This comprehensive text meets all AACSB curriculum standards, while providing excellent CPA exam preparation. A focus on human conflict makes the book...
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Lawrence C. Miller, Peter H. Gregory, Lawrence C. Miller, Peter Gregory CISSP for Dummies
* Includes quick assessment tests at the beginning of each chapter as well as a prep test at the end. * Presents the material in a down-to-earth, jargon-free style for real studying and understanding. * Provides hundreds of randomly...
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Steven Johnson Emergence: The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software
This book is about the mystery of why the whole is sometimes smarter than the sum of its parts. Emergence is what happens when an interconnected system of relatively simple elements self-organizes to form more...
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Kurt Wall, Wall. Kurt Linux Programming Unleashed Linux Programming Unleashed (2nd Edition)
Linux Programming Unleashed is a complete and comprehensive reference for intermediate to advanced Linux developers that covers every possible use of Linux. Topics include: Core Linux Programming; Interprocess Communication; Device Drivers;...
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Nancy Lewis Easy Office 2003
Easy Microsoft Office 2003 takes the work out of learning this new software application by using short, easy-to-follow lessons that show you how to accomplish basic tasks quickly and efficiently! It is the perfect book for beginners who...
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Colette Rolland, Sjaak Brinkkemper, Motoshi Saeki Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context: Ifip Tc8/Wg8.1 Working Conference on Engineering Information Systems in the Internet Context, ... tional Federation for Information Processing)
The rapid growth in Internet, World Wide Web and Intranet systems over the past decade has led to a demand for increased sophistication in established information services, engineering techniques and methods to improve the development of information...
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Nevada Learning Series, Nevada Learning Series Executive Pack # 7 Microsoft Office 97 with Win NT4 (includes QRG's Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access 97 and Outlook 98)
The Nevada quick reference guide is a six page tri-fold in depth summary of 60% of the most commonly asked software questions. They are a well organized, clear and concise training tool valued by the IT profession globally. We are the guide of...
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Домой Погода
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Мировая музыкальная деревня. Новый уникальный тематический
Мой мир
Лечение кожных заболеваний. За века своего существования народная медицина
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Цифровые системы коммутации для ГТС. Представлены принципы построения,
Анисимов А.Ю.. Близнецы. Восточное наследство
Иоанна Фабицкая. Безумное лето Рудольфа
Автомобильный портал
Takashi Matsuoka. Autumn Bridge
Из рук в руки
Szell, George. Brahms: Symphonies Nos. 2 & 3.
Российская газета
Т. Ю. Бандурина. Язвенный диатез
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