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Сергей Пономаренко Adobe Photoshop CS. Наиболее полное руководство
Книга является руководством по использованию программы Adobe Photoshop CS, последней версии одного из самых популярных на сегодняшний день редакторов растровой графики, интегрированного средства разработки Web-приложений Adobe ImageReady CS и...
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А. Ф. Лосев История античной эстетики. Высокая классика
Предлагаемый том является продолжением двух предшествующих книг, посвященных эстетике ранней, средней и начала высокой классики. Книга снабжена обширным новейшим библиографическим аппаратом....
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В. Казьмин Керосин. Лечение и очищение организма. Просто, эффективно, безопасно
Автор книги - кандидат медицинских наук, врач высшей категории с большим стажем работы в должности главного специалиста области и зав. отделением областной клинической больницы. Им написано более 20 научных работ и 43 книги по популярной...
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Andrew Gordon The Wages of Affluence: Labor and Management in Postwar Japan
Andrew Gordon goes to the core of the Japanese enterprise system, the workplace, and reveals a complex history of contest and confrontation. The Japanese model produced a dynamic economy that owed as much to coercion as to happy consensus. The book...
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Cecil Burke, Jr. Day, Jr., C. Burke Day, John McCollister DAY BY DAY: The Story of Cecil B. Day and His Simple Formula for Success
Cecil B. Day, founder of Days Inns, represents the American dream personified. One of his mottos, "Find a need, then fill it," guided him throughout his life and was the counsel he offered aspiring entrepreneurs. Having experienced the usual ups...
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Paul Edwards, Sarah Edwards The Best Home Businesses for the 21st Century: The Inside Information You Need to Know to Select a Home-Based Business That's Right for You
Third Editions-Revised and Expanded. Based on the top-selling Best Home Businesses for the 90s , here is a completely updated, comprehensive look at the leading businesses for small and home-based entrepreneurs in the 21st century. ...
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Hans Heijke Forecasting the Labour Market by Occupation and Education: The Forecasting Activities of Three European Labour Market Research Institutes
Labour markets are differentiated by occupation and types of training, and these submarkets are seldom in equilibrium. This disequilibrium -- shortages and surpluses in labour markets -- is often attributed to a lack of flexibility in wage...
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Mark Eric Williams Market Reforms in Mexico: Coalitions, Institutions, and the Politics of Policy Change
"The last two decades saw a host of governments abandon statist development models for more market-friendly ones. However, not all reform attempts fared equally well. Why do some governments succeed in implementing market reforms while others fail?...
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Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins Natural Capitalism
In Natural Capitalism, three top strategists show how leading-edge companies are practicing "a new type of industrialism" that is more efficient and profitable while saving the environment and creating jobs. Paul Hawken and Amory and Hunter...
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J. Gregory Sidak, Daniel F. Spubler, Daniel F. Spulber Deregulatory Takings and the Regulatory Contract: The Competitive Transformation of Network Industries in the United States
This book addresses deregulatory policies that threaten to reduce or destroy the value of private property in network industries without any accompanying payment of just compensation, policies that are termed "deregulatory takings." The authors...
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Andrei Shleifer, Daniel Treisman Without a Map: Political Tactics and Economic Reform in Russia
Recent commentators on Russia's economic reforms have almost uniformly declared them a disappointing and avoidable failure. In this book, two American scholars take a new and more balanced look at the country's attempts to build capitalism on the...
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Домой КМ
Поиск мета
Поиск людей
Концентрированная увлажняющая эмульсия "Fluide Velours",
Е. Казаринова. Оперативное управление торговым персоналом
Уэйн У. Дайер. Реальная магия успеха
Дейв Кросс. Photoshop CS2
А. В. Луначарский. Об изобразительном искусстве. В двух
Gideon Defoe. The Pirates! In an Adventure with Communists: A Novel
Карел Чапек. Карел Чапек. Избранное
Чита, Томск, Москва , Псков, Электросталь, Чебоксары, Норильск, Красноярск, НижнийНовгород, Каменск-Уральский, Обнинск, Ижевск, Северск, Чита, Черкесск, Иваново, Альметьевск, Черкесск, Глазов, Москва , Магнитогорск, Армавир, Ачинск, Астрахань, Йошкар-Ола, Батайск, Набережные Челны,
Литературоведение. Фольклор| Школа раннего развития (до 5 лет)| Телевизионные мелодрамы| Английский| Арабский, турецкий, иврит|
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