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Dominic Kelly Japan and the Reconstruction of East Asia (International Political Economy)
Dominic Kelly analyzes Japanese policies designed to lead to the reconstruction of East Asia. He presents a detailed picture of Japanese activity in East Asia in the areas of production, finance, security, and knowledge, and maps out the...
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Richard Herring, Global Interdependence Center, Group of Thirty, Wharton School Managing International Risk: Essays Commissioned in Honor of the Centenary of Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
The point of departure for this book is the fundamental assertion that managers of international enterprises must cope not only with the hazards that jeopardize the success of ordinary domestic transactions but also with additional perils that are...
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JAMES W. ROBINSON, CHARLES W. KING The New Professionals : The Rise of Network Marketing As the Next Major Profession
The New Face of Network Marketing Every year, thousands of men and women leave established, lucrative careers to pursue new opportunities in the booming network marketing industry—an industry that is now attracting former doctors,...
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Fred N Cole, Jr., M.D., CLU, ChFC Fred N. Cole The Anatomy of Distributions from Qualified Retirement Plans & IRA'S
The purpose of this article is topresent rules and regulations in effect as of this writing for making distributions from qualified retirement plans and IRAs in a concixe, organized and coherant format which may serve as a reference resource to all...
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Carson Dunlop Principles of Home Inspection: Exteriors (Principles of Home Inspection)
This text is organized into major sections on exterior cladding, exterior structures, and surface water control and landscaping. Wall surfaces are covered in a material-by-material organization, including thorough treatment of synthetic stucco...
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Наталия Правдина Я люблю секс! Любовь - страна, где сбываются мечты. Уникальная энциклопедия счастья. Книга 1
Издательство Астрель представляет уникальную энциклопедию счастья Наталии Правдивой в пяти книгах. Поднявшись на новый уровень знаний, более высокую ступеньку постижения истины опираясь на огромный опыт общения с людьми, она посвящает свои книги...
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Barry W.Boehm, Ellis Horowitz, Ray Madachy, Donald Reifer, Bradford K. Clark, Bert Steece, A. Winsor Brown, Sunita Chulani, Chris Abts Software Cost Estimation with Cocomo II (+ CD-ROM)
Success in all types of organizations depends increasingly on the development of customized software solutions, yet more than half of software projects now in the works will exceed both their schedules and their budgets by more than 50%. ...
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Lyn Malone, Anita M. Palmer, Christine L. Voigt Mapping Our World: GIS Lessons for Educators
Providing a complete resource for any teacher seeking a way to bring GIS technology into the middle- or high-school classroom, this educational package is a comprehensive collection of world geography lessons, lesson plans, exercises, and assessment...
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Steve Schwartz Access 2003 for Windows (Visual QuickStart Guide)
You don't need a computer programming degree to master Microsoft Access, the world's leading relational database solution for Windows. All you need to get quickly up-to-speed on the latest version of this powerful program is Access 2003 for...
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John R. Allison, Dennis L. Thomas Telecommunications Deregulation : Market Power and Cost Allocation Issues (The IC2 Management and Management Science Series)
This volume explores critical issues in telecommunications regulatory policy by using a unique multidisciplinary lens to focus on the problems of market power and cost allocation in long distance telecommunications markets. The contributors approach...
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Patrick McDermott Zen and the Art of Systems Analysis: Meditations on Computer Systems Development
Whether youA?re new to systems analysisA?or have been there, done that and seen it allA?but especially if you want to ponder the significance of information systems analysis in the scheme of the universe, this book is...
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Домой ASP.NET для профессионалов. В 2 томах. Подробное,
Харуки Мураками. Послемрак
Зоопарк. Диск 2 (mp3). Вступление; Увертюра; Жизнь в зоопарке
И. Ф. Шарыгин. Математический винегрет
В. К. Ковалев. Предстоит операция. Практические
Джеймс Алан Гарднер. Отряд обреченных
Из рук в руки
IIS 2002 Symposium, Slawomir T. Wierzchon, Maciej Michalewicz. Intelligent
Луи Жаколио. Песчаный город
Поиск людей
Петрозаводск, Ростов-на-Дону, ВеликийНовгород, Подольск, Тамбов, Орск, Псков,
Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Химия|
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