
Софокл. Трагедии

Издание 1979 года. Сохранность хорошая. В книгу включены семь полностью дошедших до нас трагедий Софокла: "Эпид-царь", "Эпид в Колоне" и "Антигона", написанные на темы фиванского цикла мифов; "Аянт", "Филоктет" и "Электра" - на темы троянского...

М. И. Бартенева

Николай Бенуа

Издание 1994 года. Сохранность хорошая. Книга посвящена одному из крупных петербургских архитекторов, родоначальнику известной художественной династии Николаю Леонтьевичу Бенуа. Творчество Бенуа неразрывно связано с Петербургом и его...

Sandy Botkin

Lower Your Taxes - Big Time! : Wealth-Building, Tax Reduction Secrets from an IRS Insider

Strategies from an IRS insider for slashing taxes, maximizing legal deductions, avoiding audits, and more Through his years as an IRS tax attorney, Sandy Botkin discovered that most Americans could legally­­ and...

Tse-Kang Leng

The Taiwan-China Connection: Democracy and Development Across the Taiwan Straits (Transitions--Asia and Asian America)

Exploring the transitional role of the state in Taiwan's economic development, this book moves beyond the "strong state" paradigm, focusing especially on the impact of trade with mainland China. Providing an irresistible business opportunity,...

Adele B. Lynn

The Emotional Intelligence Activity Book: 50 Activities for Promoting Eq at Work

We've all heard of "IQ"...but what's "EQ?" It's "Emotional Quotient" (aka Emotional Intelligence), and experts say that EQ is a greater predictor of success at work than IQ. Companies are increasingly looking for ways to motivate and develop...

Walter Bagehot

Lombard Street : A Description of the Money Market (Wiley Investment Classic)

"I have lost track of how many times over the years I have either reread this book in its entirety or dipped into it to refresh my memory of its wisdom."—From the Foreword by Peter L. Bernstein author of Against the Gods. First published...

Frank Newman, Lara Couturier, Jamie Scurry

The Future of Higher Education : Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market

A powerful look at the risks inherent in the trend toward making higher education a market rather than a regulated public sector, The Future of Higher Education reveals the findings of an extensive four-year investigation into the major...

Joiner Associates Staff

Individuals Charts: Plain & Simple

Individual Charts explains how to quickly detect specific types of process changes by adding statistical control limits to time plots. The information is presented in a straightforward, easy-to-understand manner through a series of exercises and...

Jagdish N. Sheth, Abdolreza Eshghi, Balaji C. Krishnan

Internet Marketing

This text examines the role of technology in the business world. Selections examine the radical role of electronic marketing, electronic commerce, and other information technology subjects that affect and change the role of marketing on a daily...

F. Bruce Gentry, Jens C. Appel, III

The Complete Will Kit

If you have yet to draw up a will, or need to revise an existing one, you'll find The Complete Will Kit an indispensable reference. Taking you step-by-step through the process of writing a will and maintaining a current estate plan, this...

Sidney Callis

Good Writing for Business

Based on 30 years of experience this book teaches the use of good written English in a business environment. The most important feture of the book is the clarity of presentation and the ease with which the reader can absorb information....

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Каталог софта РБК Мария Заламбани. Литература факта. От Д. В. Григорович. Гуттаперчевый мальчик (аудиокнига МР3) Н. А. Бобринский. География животных Поиск работы Куклы. Рожденный стать плохим. Издание содержит О компьютерах Сергей Иванов. Бюро находок Андрей Кутузов. Керосин, скипидар, деготь - природная сила Вести РБК Н. К. Ханнанов, Г. А. Чижов, Т. А. Ханнанова. Физика. Почта
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