Shelagh Vainker

Chinese Silk: A Cultural History

Book DescriptionSilk is one of China?s major contributions to world civilization, the secrets of its cultivation closely guarded for generations. The famous network of trade routes between West and East is still known as the Silk Road. The...

Tom Clancy

Tom Clancy's Net Force YA #18: Death Match (Net Force)

Book DescriptionThe latest, greatest, high-tech thrill ride for Tom Clancy's legion of young fans. The amateurs are beating the pros in this year's spatball playoffs-and some big bettors plan to lose a fortune. When they threaten a star...

Harry Turtledove

The Time of Troubles II

Book Description Abrivard, marshal of Makuran, has been given an impossible task by his King: destroy the mighty Empire of Videssos. Even as he pondered how to obey, Videssos's legions are on the march, attacking Makuran first. Abrivard finds...

Garth Jones


Book DescriptionThe giant Sunspot space station is advertised as the ultimate luxury holiday resort. When completed, it will allow its rich guests to enjoy vacations in the comfort of its computer controlled environment in orbit around the fiery...

Adelaide Gardner

Vital Magnetic Healing

Book Description1935. Vital magnetic healing, sometimes called mesmeric healing, is one of the oldest and most widespread methods of treatment for disease. Contents: Hypnotism and Magnetic Healing; The Human Etheric Body; The Practitioner;...

David Cassidy

J. Robert Oppenheimer : And the American Century

Download DescriptionThe unexplored secret of the American Century, the last 100 years of US history, is the rise of American science, specifically physics. At the heart of that story is J. Robert Oppenheimer, leader of the Manhattan Project that...

Paula Danziger

It's a Fair Day, Amber Brown (Puffin Easy-to-Read)

Book DescriptionAmber Brown wakes up and hopes that the day is going to be perfect. She is very glad to finally be on vacation with her parents and her friend Justin, and today they are going to a county fair! The day doesn't turn out exactly as...

Carlo Goldoni

Servant Of Two Masters

Book DescriptionThis new adaptation by Dorothy Louise captures the remarkable pace of the story in fresh dialogue that is attuned to contemporary American audiences....

Joao Cabral de Melo Neto

Education by Stone : Selected Poems

Book Description "Joao Cabral de Melo Neto is one of Brazil's most acclaimed poets . . . From his early days, Mr. Cabral has written poems that are marked by a captivating use of simple language."- New York Times Book Review Disdaining...

Н. Д. Граевская, Т. И. Долматова

Спортивная медицина. Курс лекций и практические занятия. Часть 1

Данное учебное пособие представляет собой синтез материалов - лекций и практических занятий, дающих основы знаний по курсу "Спортивная медицина". Помимо программных (по специальности 022300) в пособие вошли отдельные дополнительные, но очень...

Вестник Рентгенологии и Радиологии. Том XVII

Москва, 1936 год, НАРКОМЗДРАВ СССР. Издание Государственного рентгенологического, радиологического и ракового института. Множество иллюстраций. Издательский переплет. Сохранность хорошая. В сборник вошли труды годичной сессии 1935 года. ...

<<<  А. К. Толстой. А. К. Толстой. Пьесы             Андрей Дементьев. Нет женщин нелюбимых >>>

Библия (подарочное издание). Стильно оформленное Одноклассники И. А. Газиева. Индия. Карманная энциклопедия О. Л. Д'ор. Смех среди руин Почта Яхо Яндекс Звероферма. В этом мире, который мы все знаем, в этом прекрасном Яндекс Виталий Ивашнев. Щепкин Под редакцией А. В. Касьянова. Годовой отчет 2007 John Galsworthy, Katherine Mansfield. English Love Stories (аудиокнига Геннадий Красников. Роковая зацепка за жизнь, или В поисках утраченного Неба Santiago Ramon y Cajal. Vacation Stories: FIVE SCIENCE FICTION TALES Даниэль Пикули. Сердце, нарисованное мелом Джордж Т. Левит. Безмедикаментозная медицина: все, что нужно знать HORN AND STRINGS LES I. BENJAMIN BRITTEN. Исполнитель: Андрей Гришаев. Шмель Народ.ру Пепельница на 1 сигару, темно-коричневая со светло-коричневым.
Питер, Коломна,
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