Полный лекарственный справочник медсестры

В справочнике представлены сведения о современных лекарственных средствах, витаминах и минералах, выпускаемых отечественными и зарубежными фармацевтическими фирмами. В описании каждого препарата содержится полная информация: состав, формы выпуска,...

Helen Gurley Brown

Sex and the Office

Book DescriptionThe newest addition to Barricade's Cult Classic series, Sex and the Office tackles the hot topic of sex in the workplace....

Clayton E Crooks II

Developing Tablet PC Applications (Programming Series)

Book Description The new Tablet PC combines the latest incarnation of previous notebook computing technologies (i.e., digital ink and voice commands) with the power and reliability of Windows® XP, possibly making it the most versatile PC ever....

Gary C. Guthrie

Mathematics of Interest Rates and Finance

Book Description This book presents the basic core of information needed to understand the impact of interest on the world of investments, real estate, corporate planning, insurance, and securities transactions. Needing only a working knowledge of...

Aspatore Books

Content Management Leadership Strategies: Top CEOs on Growth Strategies and the Future of Content Management Solutions (Inside the Minds)

Book DescriptionInside the Minds provides readers with proven business intelligence from C-Level executives (Chairman, CEO, CFO, CMO, Partner) from the world's most respected companies nationwide, rather than third-party accounts from unknown...

Owen McCafferty

Days of Wine and Roses

Book Description Originally a 1962 film starring Jack Lemmon, Days of Wine and Roses concerns a young alcoholic who drags his much-loved wife with him into the swamp of addiction, from which only he escapes. Northern Irish writer McCafferty...

Ian Chilvers

The Artist Revealed: Artists and Their Self-Portraits

Book DescriptionSixty of the world?s most famous artists? self-portraits are shown in full-page reproductions. Each includes a biography of the artist; an in-depth examination of the portrait details; and how it reflects the artist?s...

Jordan Crandall

Jordan Crandall Under Fire 1: The Organization And Representation Of Violence

Book DescriptionThrough a series of discussions about an array of issues--battle simulation techniques and news programming, democracy and violence, the privatization of the military, and militarized bodies--Jordan Crandall explores the organization...

Marc Cerasini

AVP: Alien vs. Predator : The Movie Novelization

Book Description The two most terrifying forces in the universe are about to fight to the death ... and earth is their battleground! A mysterious structure has been detected via satellite far below the ice at the bottom of the world....

Robert Hugh Benson


The various plots, the political movements, and the closing scenes of Charles II's life are here described with as much fidelity to truth as is compatible with historical romance. ...

Charles K. Hyde

The Dodge Brothers: The Men, The Motor Cars, And The Legacy (Great Lakes Books)

Book DescriptionThe first comprehensive biography of John and Horace Dodge and the history of their company, Dodge Brothers....

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