Ralph Kimball, Margy Ross

The Data Warehouse Toolkit: The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling (Second Edition)

Single most authoritative guide from the inventor of the technique. Presents unique modeling techniques for e-commerce, and shows strategies for optimizing performance. Companion Web site provides updates on dimensional...

Raymond Papp

Strategic Information Technology: Opportunities for Competitive Advantage

Managers and executives know the importance of integrating business strategy and IT strategy for competitive advantage. Via numerous real-world examples and anecdotes, this book investigates myriad issues regarding the application of business...

Dan Geller

Instant Strategist

This strategic planning guidebook contains the most unique strategic planning methodology ever created. The Instant Strategist? methodology is the result of many years of research, development and successful implementation. Instant...

Quality Issues in Heritage Visitor Attractions

* Quality as a tool for success *Covers a diverse range of quality issues and theories in the context of heritage attractions * Well-respected international contributor team of academics and practitioners Heritage Tourism is the fastest...

Jong S. Jun

Rethinking Administrative Theory: The Challenge of the New Century

Striving to redirect the study of public administration toward innovation and imagination, deliberative democracy, knowledge transfer, policy making, and ethics and values--topics which for too long have been overshadowed by traditional problems of...

Phil Carpenter, Carol Carpenter

Marketing Yourself to the Top Business Schools

Expert advice helps you get into the business school of your choiceEarning an MBA from a leading business school can be an important career boost. But first you have to get accepted. This straight-talking guide is dedicated to helping you conquer...

Ken Milburn

Digital Photography: Expert Techniques (O'Reilly Digital Studio)

This absorbing book, by professional photographer and author Ken Milburn, offers a ton of expert advice to those who are ready to move to the next level with digital photography. Rather than a general discussion of photography principles, Digital...

Ralph Hempel

LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual

LEGO Spybotics Secret Agent Training Manual provides complete coverage of the ultimate LEGO Spybotics system. Author Ralph Hempel begins with a Spybotics overview and then delves into the nitty-gritty of Spybotics, including systems...

Ieee, Acm International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, Andreas Kuehlmann

The Best of Iccad: 20 Years of Excellence in Computer-Aided Design

The Best of ICCAD marks the 20th anniversary of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design. This book presents a selection of papers from among the best contributions presented in ICCAD based on their impact on research and applications....

Barbara M. Byrne

Structural Equation Modeling with EQS and EQS/WINDOWS : Basic Concepts, Applications, and Programming

Designed to help beginners estimate and test structural equation modeling (SEM) using the EQS approach, this book demonstrates a variety of SEM//EQS applications that include both partial factor analytic and full latent variable models. Beginning...

Silvia M. Muller, Wolfgang J. Paul

Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correctness

Computer Architecture: Complexity and Correctness develops, at the gate level, the complete design of a pipelined RISC processor with delayed branch, forwarding, hardware interlock, precise maskable nested interrupts, caches, and a fully...

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Работа Билайн POLLINI. CHOPIN:SCHERZI+BERCEUSE +. Исполнитель: POLLINI Н. Н. Чесова. May Day. Short Stories. 10-11 класс Владимир Трошин. Целительная сила организма Голубев А. Н., Гутцайт Л. Э.. 744 партии Мегафон Рамблер Октябрина Ганичкина. Подарок садоводам и огородникам
Мытищи, Петропавловск-Камчатский, Орёл, Смоленск,
Космос, техника, транспорт| Медицина. Фармакология| Медицина. Здравоохранение| Развлекательные программы| Графические редакторы, верстка| Индийское кино| Молодежные комедии| Сметы и расценки в строительстве| Мелодрамы| Книжки-игрушки| Военные фильмы| Новая история| Природа| Спорт| Караоке| Спектакли и театральные постановки| Программы об армии, самообороне, оружии| Отраслевой и специальный бухучет| Видеопрограммы о животных| Классическая и инструментальная музыка| Право в сфере бизнеса| Мистические боевики| Учебные фильмы по школьным предметам| Восточные единоборства| Антивирусы других производителей| Компьютерная и сетевая безопасность. Защита информации| Труды классиков маркетинга и менеджмента| На французском языке| Мистические драмы| Таможенное регулирование| Музыкальные мелодрамы| Музыкальные программы| Индийские боевики| Банковское дело| Мистика и ужасы| Абитуриентам| Оружие| Юмор и сатира. Видеопрограммы| Естественные науки| Оперы|
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