Сергей Антонов

Царский двугривенный. Овраги. Васька

Издание 1990 года. Сохранность хорошая. Однотомник писателя, лауреата Государственной премии СССР, включает три повести, составляющие своеобразную трилогию, в которой нашли отражение переломные годы в жизни нашей страны: нэп, коллективизация,...

Дмитрий Кирьянов

Самоучитель Mathcad 11

В книге автор попытался совместить две цели. Первая - последовательно рассказывая об основах расчетов, интерфейсе пользователя и переходя от простого к сложному, дать возможность читателю самостоятельно освоить Mathcad. Таким образом, книга может...

К. Валишевский

Павел I

Историческое сочинение "Павел I" польско-французского историка Казимира Валишевского (1849-1935) на сегодняшний день является одним из наиболее увлекательных изложений истории России во времена правления сына Екатерины Великой, Павла. Текст...

Niall Ferguson

Paper and Iron: Hamburg Business and German Politics in the Era of Inflation, 1897-1927

Few economic events have had the impact of German hyperinflation in 1923, still remembered as a root cause of Hitler's rise to power; yet in recent years historians have defended the inflationary policies adopted after 1918. Niall Ferguson takes a...

Ejvind Damsgaard Hansen, E. Damsgard Hansen, Ejvind Damsaard Hansen

European Economic History

The internationalization of the world economy and the economic and political development in Europe are factors that have fostered new interest in the common economic heritage of the European countries. Spanning 500 years, this tale of the economic...

Bertin Martens, Peter Murrell, Uwe Mummert, Paul Seabright, Elinor Ostrom

The Institutional Economics of Foreign Aid

This book analyzes the institutions--incentives and constraints--that guide the behavior of persons involved in the implementation of aid programs. While traditional performance studies tend to focus almost exclusively on policies and institutions...

Roger E. Herman, Thomas G. Olivo, Joyce L. Gioia

Impending Crisis: Too Many Jobs, Too Few People

Looming crisis ahead! There?s a dangerously growing shortage of skilled workers to fill jobs. Projections from the Bureau of Labor Statistics forecast a shortage of skilled 10,033,000 workers by 2010. And this shortage is simply raw numbers; it...

Jim McCarthy, Michele McCarthy

Software for Your Head: Core Protocols for Creating and Maintaining Shared Vision

Aimed at forward-thinking software developers and IT managers, Software for Your Head: Core Protocols for Creating and Maintaining Shared Vision provides an innovative set of procedures and reusable "patterns" for improving the way teams work...

Ty Brown

Let's Just Take This Outside

Corporate America can be very exciting but also "nerve racking." For many of us, it is considered to be a major part of the American dream. We dress it up and glamorize it hoping to convince ourselves that it is exactly what we have always dreamed...

Michael Willmott

Citizen Brands : Putting Society at the Heart of Your Business

What is the most important issue facing business today? Globalization, the technological revolution, supply chain management, core competencies, staff retention, price competition? Important though all of these are, something else is emerging...

Jeffrey L. Morelock, Jeff Morris

Working in a War Zone: Cashing in Safely After the Shooting Stops

Why would anyone want to work in a war zone? The most common reason is money - and there is a lot of it to be made in a war zone. Whether they are paid in dollars, marks or dinars, war-zone workers often make 10 times what they would back home, and...

<<<  Предпринимательское право. Новое издание подготовлено ...             И. А. Бунин. Темные аллеи (аудиокнига MP3) >>>

Shelley Sallee. The Whiteness of Child Labor Reform in Справочник: Выпуск 2: В помощь руководителю: Компьютеры, программное обеспечение, Апорт Работа Торренте 3. Трахтенберг в Мадриде. Ехидная звезда шоу-бизнеса, Richard Cebula. Economics Alive!, Macroeconomics Principles Цветной шар. Набор пастельных карандашей, 6 цветов. FOURIE/SUKIS/ENGLISH/ARIE/PREVITALI. DIE BRAUTWAHL (1975). 2. Яндекс К. А. Фурсов. Держава-купец Роджер Желязны, Роберт Шекли. Коль с Фаустом тебе не повезло Akira Toriyama. Dragon Ball Z (Dragon Ball Z) Почта Яхо Одноклассники Alan Trachtenberg. Dream Street: W. Eugene Smith's Pittsburgh Работа Robert Pool. Beyond Engineering: How Society Baby Strawberry's First Christmas. J oin Baby Strawberry as she discovers
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