Karen S. Hinds

A Teenager's Guide to the Workplace

A Teenager's Guide to the Workplace will help teenagers succeed in their part-time jobs today, and lay the foundation for success in their future careers. Teenagers will learn how to find and keep a job, interview with confidence, keep customers...

Trevor C. Salmon, William, Sir Nicoll

Building European Union: A Documentary History and Analysis

In Building European Union , Trevor Salmon and William Nicoll draw upon twenty years experience, one as an academic, the other as a practitioner of European policy to bring together over 100 key documents on European integration in one...

Green Profits: The Manager's Handbook for ISO 14001 and Pollution Prevention

Green Profits covers two tightly connected topics, environmental management systems (EMS) and pollution prevention (P2), in a single volume. Authored by an environmental engineer and an economist/planner, Green Profits shows how to implement an EMS,...

Susan E. Jackson, Angelo DeNisi, Michael Hitt

Managing Knowledge for Sustained Competitive Advantage : Designing Strategies for Effective Human Resource Management (J-B SIOP Frontiers Series)

This eighteenth volume in the Jossey-Bass Organizational Frontiers Series provides an in-depth examination of how I/O psychologists can help find, recruit, and manage knowledge. The authors explain the nature of different types of knowledge, how...

H. William Dettmer

Breaking the Constraints to World-Class Performance

Executives and managers seeking an alternative or complementary approach to TQM for systematic improvement of business results can realize impressive results with this book. The author, Bill Dettmer, explains the basics of the theory of constraints...

David P. Snyder

How to Mind Read Your Customers

Strategies for sales success--using the principles of behavioral psychology. What's the most important factor in becoming a successful salesperson? Is it ambition and drive? Maybe it's enthusiasm. Or, maybe, success in sales just boils down...


Гегель. Наука логики. В трех томах. Том 2

Во второй том "Науки логики" содержит учение о сущности. Он снабжен примечаниями. Именной и предметный указатели даны в конце третьего тома....

Mark Goodyear, Andersen Consulting

Enterprise System Architectures: Building Client Server and Web Based Systems

Experts from Andersen Consulting show you how to combine computing, communications, and knowledge to deliver a uniquely new-and entirely indispensable-competitive advantage.Lead, Follow, or get out of the wayYour company's ability to sustain a...

Body Piercing - A Medical Dictionary, Bibliography, and Annotated Research Guide to Internet Referen

In March 2001, the National Institutes of Health issued the following warning: "The number of Web sites offering health-related resources grows every day. Many sites provide valuable information, while others may have information that is unreliable...

Syed Mahbubur Rahman, Robert J. Bignall

Internet Commerce and Software Agents: Cases, Technologies and Opportunities

The Internet is revolutionizing retail merchandising and shopping. Software agents are capable of automating the more routine, tedious and time consuming tasks involved in the trading process, and they may be able to negotiate and make autonomous...

Adam Bromwich, Adam T. Bromwich

Peoplesoft Hrms Reporting (Prentice Hall Ptr Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) Series)

Adam Bromwich's objective in PeopleSoft HRMS Reporting is to synchronize the perspectives of technical people (PeopleSoft designers and administrators) and functional people (managers who use PeopleSoft). If technicians know what managers...

<<<  Ли Кэрролл. Крайон. Книга 2. Не думай как человек. ...             Jack M. Kaplan. Patterns of Entrepreneurship >>>

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